Out Today! Ruth and Ann’s Guide To Time Travel

Of course, the most important part of this book isn’t even noted on the cover. That would be my Introduction to this volume of original Time Travel Tales – which I was quite flattered to be asked to do – until I found out that this would prevent me from submitting a story myself.  Hoisted on my own petard so to speak (which is something that may only be possible with Time Travel, so give them that.)

But seriously folks, put that image aside regardless of how much you might be enjoying it, and concentrate instead on this volume of Terrific Time Traveling Tales Thoughtfully Transcribed, Tenderly Told, Twenty-One of them in fact (yeah, the alliteration broke down there towards the end, but try and say that ten times fast anyhow).

Exclusive to this volume is a Joe Ledger story by Jonatham Maberry – Against That Time, if Ever That Time Come, who is joined by –

James Ryan – The Rooftop Session
Teel James Glenn – The Legend of Wyatt Ape!
David C. Strickler – Buried Beneath the Gallows
Phil Giunta – A Thorne in Time
Joanne McLaughlin – Way, Way Out of the Building
Gordon Linzner – Privileged Inca Nations
Judith Field – Somewhere, Somewhen
Carol Gyzander – Time for Adventure
Ken Altabef – Schrödinger’s Razor
Charles Barouch – It Started at the Never Mind
Grigory Lukin – How to Prepare for Time Travelers in the Workplace
Gary Every – Tadpole’s Time Travel
Ef Deal – Uchronia
Neal Wiser – Have We Met?
Brenda W. Clough – The Red-headed League
Daniel Lumpkin – The Biography
John Bukowski – Literary Time Machine
Stephen W. Chappell – Zach & Deke’s Stumbling, Bumbling Adventure in Time
Karen Eisenbrey – Sarah’s Assistant
Jon McGoran – Time Changes Everything

Edited by Ann Stolinsky (an Amazing Stories alum who’s reviews you can read here), Ruth Littner and Cindy Snyder of Celestial Echo Press, the publishing outfit of Gemini Wordsmiths, LLC, an editing concern, founded in 2011.

Ruth and Ann’s Guide To Time Travel was launched with a successful Kickstarter campaign;  I expect to see a campaign for Volume II in the not too distant future.

I’d publish my foreword here as a teaser, but haven’t asked for permission to do so.  Instead, I’ll just share the title:  “It’s All About the Butterflies”.

If you get that reference – this is the time travel anthology for you!

The ebook edition is out now and can be had on Amazon and B&N.  The paperback edition will be released shortly – we’ll follow up and let you know when that happens as well.

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