Of Special Note
Amazing Stories congratulates Allen Steele for his recent Asimov’s Reader’s Award Win for his novella “Lemuria 7 Is Missing”! Asimov’s readers can find more Allen Steele goodness in our book store!
Amazing Stories congratulates Frank Wu and co-author Jay Werkheiser for their Anlab win for “Poison”. Analog readers can find more Frank Wu goodness (with a different co-author – Tom Easton) in our book store!
ETA: Jim Burns just posted a video tour of his display at Glasgow.
Darrell Schweitzer announces the release of Speaking of the Fantastic V interview collection
Chris Nuttall shares a photo of himself “huckstering” at Worldcon
Ian Randall Strock has won a MENSA National Service Award. Congratulations!
Scott Edelman shared a pic of a street mural near the Glasgow Worldcon (only viewable to Friends of Edelman. You can find the image below.)
Ray Bradbury sent his own fan letter to Robert Heinlein and you can read it here. Roger Christenson originally posted this item to the Heinlein Forum
The FANAC Fan History Project table at the Glasgow Worldcon
SMOFNews covers the disqualification of Cedar Sanderson’s cover for Goblin Market for its use of AI, despite there being no rule against such. (Hint: Its generally accepted common practice that you don’t apply rule changes retroactively.)
China is making great strides with its movie business, but they really shouldn’t have tried to make a live action version of Gravity: Chinese Rocket Breaks Apart In Low Earth Orbit
Archaeologists announce that the oldest written words are 20,000 years old
A star 3,400 light years away is expected to go nova soon and should be visible in the night sky
Jonathan Brazee shares a photo of the SFWA gathering in Glasgow
Film & TV
Steve Zodiac endorses this two stage rocket toy in a vintage ad
Television coverage of the Glasgow Worldcon
Some really cool, quasi-steampunk illustrations
Just For Fun
Bernie Bradley shared this photo of a rocketship his brother made – it could rival the Hugo Rocket!
LA has won the bid for the 2026 Worldcon. You can register here.
From this edition and going forward, links to items originating on Facebook are either publicly available links, or contain both a link to the private Facebook post that brought the item to our attention and an additional link that the general public can read.

In the Future
Monday’s Free Fiction: The Simulation by Max Gray
Tuesday: The Big Idea: Owen B Greenwald
Thursday: Whatever Happened to CLASH of the TITANS?
Unexpected Questions with Stuart Jaffe
Friday: Matt’s Reviews: All Systems Red (Murderbot #1) by Martha Wells