Unexpected Questions with Lisa Wood

My latest book is 12 Hours, the story of a cabbie who learns a lot about life from the inside of his cab.  It’s a quick, hard-hitting psychological horror novella, and it is loads of fun!  Here are the details: https://a.co/d/cbVl07X – Amazon link
My website can be found here:  http://www.lmariewood.com
I will be at Dragoncon.

If you were transported into one of your books as a character, what kind of character would you be and what kind of adventures would you have?

I’d be some kind of unwitting helper or maybe even a willing friend to the antagonist.  I’d be the person sitting on a park bench looking in the direction the protagonist ran, giving their location away or the jilted lover who give away details about my ex who just so happens to be a person of interest for the devious mastermind.  I might even be the person giggling in the corner watching everything happened with utter amusement.  I’m convinced I’d be the character that would make you grit your teeth or throw the book across the room at least once.  #lifegoals  My character wouldn’t live long – they’d get caught in the crossfire, get discarded, tossed aside, but I would have changed the tone of the story, all right.  I would have made my mark.
If you were stranded on a deserted planet with only one book to read, but it turned out to be one of your own, how would you feel?
Ha, what an interesting question!  The good thing is that, for me, having distance between the writing and editing and reading it again effectively wipes details away, so if I were stuck on an island with only my work to read, I would be able to enjoy it as though I hadn’t breathed life into the story myself.  Details, nuances, turns of phrase, all things that help you connect with an author would be available to me, even if I remembered the ending.  So, I think I would be excited to read one of my own books because at least then I’d be sure to like the story!
If you could swap lives with any character from one of your books for a day, who would it be and what would you do?

I’d be Angie from The Promise Keeper.  She is a very reluctant vampire and I don’t know that I would be.  She is missing some of the cool things about being immortal and if I could switch places with her, I would enjoy the strength, the power, the everything.  The only problem is when it is time to switch back.  I only need one night to experience all of this, but would she want to leave?  I live the regular life she longs for… would she be willing to give it up?  I’d lose in a fight, I’ll to tell you that…

If you could travel to any alternate universe where a different version of yourself exists, what do you think your other self would be like?

I think she would be living a flamboyant life, but secretly wanting to just stay home and relax on the sofa.  She’d enjoy both in equal measure, but she wouldn’t get the chance to do the latter as much as she would like.  Larger than life, big hair and loud makeup, full voice at all times, high heels and flashy dresses just to go to the supermarket.

If you could have dinner with any fictional character from any sci-fi book or movie, who would it be, what would you talk about, and where what restaurant would you choose.

Lestat.  All day.  We would talk about life – he’s seen so much and I would simply pick his brain.  he would enjoy the conversation – I’d have to see to it that he did, or I could be in danger, so I would be my most engaging self.  We’d eat at a Brazilian Steakhouse and I’d make sure all of my meat was well done so as not to entice.
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