New Releases in Science Fiction/Fantasy/Paranormal Romance for MAY 8

Here’s the weekly post from my author blog on the new releases I found to be of interest in my three favorite romance genres (which are also the ones I write in!), and related areas such as time travel, steampunk, paranormal cozy romances and more. I do sometimes cover other releases of note in science fiction and fantasy.

As always, I recommend sampling before you buy! I have not read most of the new releases listed (although I always end up one-clicking a bunch as I prepare these posts). I don’t pick up every single new release each week but try to provide a representative subset and lots of choices.

Here’s a teaser for this week’s first two books (jump to the blog to see the approximately 70+ titles featured this week):


Maeve – With the protection of a brand new identity, I flee Earth on a ship bound for a planet light years away from the death that awaits me if I remain here. Months later, life on Tavikh is good. As long as I avoid the attention of the massive Tavikhi warriors—the alien race native to this planet. Two of my best friends may have found their mates amongst them, but the men—males—terrify me. Especially the largest, grumpiest warrior in the village. Benham – From the moment the humans arrived on Tavikh, we have done our best to protect them from our enemies. And yet, all they do is take advantage of our shefir’s kindness. The new shefira and her four closest tribe sisters are the only exception. They bring hope to our people. Or to those wishing for a mate. Which does not include me. At least not until I accidentally collide with the smallest, always-frightened female who triggers my mating marks. Now I must prove to her that, with me, she has nothing to fear.


His name is Joshua Knight. Once a respected explorer, the press now calls him the Tarnished Knight. He took the fall for a disaster in the Underworld that destroyed his career. The devastating event occurred in the newly discovered sector known as Glass House—a maze of crystal that is rumored to conceal powerful Alien antiquities. The rest of the Hollister Expedition team disappeared and are presumed dead.

Whatever happened down in the tunnels scrambled Josh’s psychic senses and his memories, but he’s determined to uncover the truth. Labeled delusional and paranoid, he retreats to an abandoned mansion in the desert, a house filled with mirrors. Now a recluse, Josh spends his days trying to discover the secrets in the looking glasses that cover the walls. He knows he is running out of time. Talented, ambitious crystal artist Molly Griffin is shocked to learn that the Tarnished Knight has been located. She drops everything and heads for the mansion to find Josh, confident she can help him regain control of his shattered senses. She has no choice—he is the key to finding her sister, Leona, a member of the vanished expedition team. Josh reluctantly allows her to stay one night but there are two rules: she must not go down into the basement, and she must not uncover the mirrors that have been draped. But her only hope for finding her sister is to break the rules.

Read more on Veronica Scott’s blog…

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