Matt’s Reviews: Recursion by Blake Crouch

Book Cover: Recursion by Blake Crouch

  • Publisher:        Ballantine Books
  • Release Date:  June 2019
  • Length:             336 Pages
  • ISBN10:           1524759783
  • SBN13:              9781524759780
Recursion by Blake Crouch tells the story of a brilliant woman who is trying to find a way to save memories with the hope of helping dementia patients, like her mother,who are losing theirs. After failing to obtain a grant, she is contacted by an enigmatic billionaire who promises to fully fund her research. It also follows a New York cop who is investigating FMS – False Memory Syndrome, where people suddenly remember whole sections of their lives that never happened.  It is a page-turner of a story, keeping you reading and wondering what will happen next and how it will come together.
I recently read and reviewed another of Blake Crouch’s books, Pines. That one was well written, but I found the overall story and the characters’ actions unbelievable, even given the premise of that book. I am happy to report that this is not the case for Recursion. Once you accept the premise, which I won’t give away now, the actions and the characters are very believable. Crouch does a great job of keeping you guessing and moving through various story lines and the interaction between the story lines and characters. You can believe these people would act these ways.
This book takes you from personal introspection to global catastrophes and various intrigues in between. In the past, I appreciated Crouch’s writing even when I did not fully appreciate his story. With this book, he makes both work very well.


by Matt Truxaw

Book Cover: Plastivore by Matt Truxaw

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