As an artist, I have always sought inspiration to feed my sense-of-wonder. I am happy when I discover books introducing exotic places that I like to imagine as actually existing somewhere in this vast universe. I have always been attracted to those writers who are able to vividly visualize architectures and civilizations currently unreachable for us. I love the thrills of adventure, but even a simple walk in a mysterious canyon of Mars in search of traces of extinct aliens makes my day, as happens for example in a series of novels by Ben Bova.
In recent years I have read most of Jack McDevitt’s novels, especially the cycles of Alex Benedict and Priscilla Hutchins (the Academy series). This prolific author manages to imagine exciting situations and scenarios of what could hopefully be one day the exploration of our arm of the galaxy. Another of the authors I’ve always loved is Jack Vance, an unbeatable writer in describing the fauna and flora of other worlds.
Maurizio Manzieri is the cover artist for ESPionage: Regime Change by Frank Wu and Tom Easton, coming out from Amazing Selects (the book imprint of Amazing Stories) – the novel will be available on August 28, 2023! Preorder at:
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