The Big Idea: J.D. Blackrose

There are things in the world we wish we had the power to change, but as J.D. Blackrose explains in this Big Idea for Wish Magic, wishing for that power, and having it, are two different things entirely.


What’s it like to be powerless when you’re used to being in control? And how far would you go to get that power back?

This is the central question that faces Gregory Adamos, a sorta, maybe reforming mobster, in Wish Magic, the fifth installment in The Summoner’s Mark series, published by Bell Bridge Books. Gregory is a plain old vanilla mortal in a magical world. Not only that, but he’s one of the few mortals who not only knows about magic but has traveled to Hades and to Hell—and lived to tell the tale. He even has a troll enforcer who’s not above knocking a few heads together if Gregory gives him the nod, which means he’s hiring and working with the fae.

Being in control is a central personality trait for Gregory. His childhood wasn’t the best. He suffered abuse at the hands of his mother and neglect from his father. He grew up believing he had to be the toughest hombre in town to avoid being hurt…

Wish Magic: Amazon|Barnes & Noble|Google Play|Kobo

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