Welcome to the July edition of the SFWA Market Report from the SWFA site.
Please note: Inclusion of any venue in this report does not indicate an official endorsement by SFWA. Those included on this list pay at least $0.08/word USD in at least one category of fiction. This compilation is not exhaustive of all publication opportunities that pay our recommended minimum professional rate. Additionally, SFWA adheres to our DEI Policy when making selections for this report. We strongly encourage writers to closely review all contracts and consult our resources on best contract practices.
New Markets
Amplitudes: Stories of Queer and Trans Futurity
Another Name for Darkness
Embodied Exegesis: Transfeminine Cyberpunk Futures
Learning to be Human…
The SFWA Market Report is compiled by David Steffen, editor of Diabolical Plots and The Long List Anthology series, and administrator and co-founder of the Submission Grinder. Diabolical Plots will be open for general submissions from July 17-31. You can support Diabolical Plots and the Submission Grinder on PayPal or Patreon or by buying books or merch.
Source: SFWA Market Report – July 2023 – SFWA
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