Support Larry Charet, the Comic Book Legend, at Chicago Comicon

Larry Charet is a comic book legend. He opened one of the first comic shops in 1972, and co-founded the Chicago Comicon in 1976. He has been to every show since then, and has helped many fans, collectors, creators, and dealers.

But now, Larry needs our help. The new owners of the Chicago Comicon, Fan Expo, have taken away his contractually promised booth that he had for 25 years. Larry can’t pay for a booth, and he might miss his first show ever. He also has health and money problems.

That’s why Gary Colabuono, Larry’s old partner and former CEO of the show, has started a fundraiser to raise $5,000 for Larry. This will pay for Larry’s booth at the 2024 show, and help him survive the winter. Gary is asking everyone who loves comics and Larry to donate what they can.

Larry Charet is a part of comic book history and culture. He deserves to keep his booth and his legacy. Please join us in helping Larry Charet, the founder of the Chicago Comicon, by donating to his fundraiser. You can find the link to the fundraiser page here: [Help Larry Charet]. Thank you for your support.


Source: Support Larry Charet, the Comic Book Legend, at Chicago Comicon

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