Congressional Hearing reveals that UAPs are piloted by Time Traveling Alien Incels From the Deep Past Who Can’t Get Dates With Female Lizard People Living Inside the Hollow Earth…Also, Lemuria Cancels Elvis Concert.

FANAC – The Fan History Project announced in its most recent newsletter:

Armadillocon and Bubonicon – FANAC Scanning stations in the Southwest US. Pat Virzi will be scanning for FANAC at Armadillocon (August 4-6, Austin) and Bubonicon (August 25-27). If you have fanzines that aren’t up on FANAC, bring them on! The scanning station will be either in the dealer’s room or amongst the fan tables. Even if you don’t have fanzines for the scanning, stop by the table and say hello. There will be ribbons.

Fanzines Hit 21,000! In the March newsflash, we announced that the archive had reached 20K zines. Today we’re over 21K. This wouldn’t be possible without a grassroots effort, so thanks to all of you who made the site better, from providing scans, to telling us about errors to offering hard copy zines.

DAW Announces Fall Releases

Laser Scanning Reveals Mayan Metropolis

Even as the strikes continue, studios go on an AI hiring spree

Meteor Showers TONIGHT!

Another claim of achieving room temperature and ambient pressure superconductivity.  (Hope it proves out)

First Nuclear Powered Rocket Begins Construction

Blerdcon – Celebrating Black Nerd Culture

World’s Largest 3D Printed Neighborhood Nears Completion

George R.R. Martin and the Strike

Dino Animatronics!

More Martin:  Shocked House of the Dragon is still filming

Gravity “Hole” in the Indian Ocean

Maurice LeMarche impersonates William Shatner (Kirk) and Christopher Walken  (everything) during a reading of Queen’s Killer Queen

Author Ryk Spoor is looking for a little help following a “Series of Unfortunate Events”

Barbie is crossing over everywhere.

John O’Neill thinks you’ll like Lord of a Shattered Land

An Unseen 1950s SF Flick

Alex Shvartsman Completes His Latest Anthology

Star Trek Musical

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