FANAC Fan History Project Announces Feminism in 1970s Fandom Presentation

Feminism in 1970s Fandom with Janice Bogstad, Jeanne Gomoll, and Lucy Huntzinger

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Schedule for Future sessions

  • March 18, 2023 – 4PM EDT, 3PM CDT, 1PM PDT, 8PM London, March 19 at 7AM in Melbourne, AU – Feminism in 1970s Fandom, with Janice Bogstad, Jeanne Gomoll, and Lucy Huntzinger
  • April 22, 2023 – 7PM EDT, 4PM PDT, April 23 at 12AM in London, 9AM in Melbourne AU – Wrong Turns on the Wallaby Track Part 2, with Leigh Edmonds and Perry Middlemiss

Past sessions are all available on our YouTube Channel (

Our most recent Zoom session: New York Fandom in the 1970s with Moshe Feder, Jerry Kaufman, Andy Porter, and Steve Rosenstein is online in two parts at

Source: Auto Draft

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