2023 World Fantasy Awards Judges Announced

The judges for the 2023 World Fantasy Awards have been empaneled.

The judges will read and consider eligible materials from 2022 between now and June 1, 2023. To be considered for awards, all materials must be received by all five judges and Peter Dennis Pautz by June 1, 2023. “If… something is received on May 31 the judges may well have only one day to read it before their deliberations conclude. Anything received after June 1 will receive little or no consideration.”

The judges are:

Dale Bailey
2490 27th Avenue Circle NE
Hickory NC 28601
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Mary Anne Mohanraj
332 Wisconsin Ave
Oak Park IL 60302
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Ginny Smith
PO Box 4563
Frankfort KY 40604-4563
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Ian Whates
41 Wheatsheaf Road
Alconbury Weston
Huntingdon, Cambs, PE28 4LF
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A.C. Wise
PO Box 663
Downingtown PA 19335
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Full Article at: 2023 World Fantasy Awards Judges Announced

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