Never say never again….Holocaust survivor killed by Russian attacks in Ukraine
China’s moonbase plans move ahead with Russian assistance
Greek Temple unearthed in Sinai
Florida law hoist on own Petard (note: “Florida Man” is not the same as “Florida Atheist”)
Unearthed skulls not the scene of a recent crime
What’s in the water in Tennessee? Lawmaker calls for book burning
Mini Editorial: Asimov famously said “Anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that ‘my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” Book bans and even burnings, laws preventing open discussion of topics in classrooms…are all symptoms of this anti-intellectual fever. Somehow, we need to impress upon the majority of the population that ignorance of the facts is MORE dangerous than trying to hide from unpleasant realities. Like that will ever happen.
SpaceX Crew-4 Docks at the ISS
Avatar 2 Teaser unveiled – but not yet available to the general public
Disney cartoons are grooming kids, according to crazy Florida Man
New Federal Disinformation Governance Board established. Could be 1984, could be not 1984
LATER TODAY! Rocket Lab will attempt to catch a rocket with a helicopter (live video)
Ukrainians all working together (pictures)
President Biden gets laughs at Trump’s expense
Tom Gauld: Choosing a novel’s title is very important