Twitter Suspends Hundreds of Bots Posting Chinese Olympic Propaganda

Discon III Convention Videos Now Available

Not everything coming out of Russia involves invading sovereign nations.  Some of it is plagiarizing western SF novels in film.  Like this “version” of Clifford Simak’s All Flesh is Grass. (We can’t find any mention of authorization anywhere.)  (No subtitles either)

Handheld Press wants you to know about their recently released collection of Australian novelist Helen de Guerry Simpson’s (1897-1940) horror stories The Outcast and The Rite

Animated Magazine Covers:  Starts with Weird Tales (no, not a Brundage)

Listen to this symphony orchestra perform the music of Star Wars

Angry Robot Books announces acquisition of a new take on Arthurian legend

Water was flowing on Mars for longer than we thought

Star Trek – or at  least the marginally recognizable Abrams alternate timeline version of it (what do they call that…the Fahrenheit time line?  Celsius?) will have a fourth entry…no doubt a torturous, anti-intellectual, jump-cut and lens-flare filled actioner.

Another person cured of an HIV infection, using a novel and unique approach

George has “concerns” over Baby Yoda.  (So do a lot of other people….)

People are still hung up on the Fermi Paradox.  This article posits von Neuman machines

More Musical SF:  A Re-imagined Dr. Who Theme

You know things are getting dire when a news article delves into whether or not “Soylent Green” could be a real solution to World Hunger.\

Wild Cards comic revived.  George R.R. Martin Happy.

A video presentation that takes HALO’s use of a “ringworld” to task

On Screen Superheroes fighting each other IRL

A metal rich asteroid may have less iron than originally estimated.  (But really, is there any perceivable different between $10,000,000,000,000,000,000 or $1,000,000,000,000,000,000?  Both would tank the market.)

Here’s what Pangaea Proxima will look like…but you WON’T live to see it!

After looking at 260,000 stars in our Galaxy, did astronomers find any alien mega-structures?

Matt Hughes announces the release of the unabridged audiobook of Barbarians of the Beyond.  (We hope its unredacted as well.  We here it gets pretty steamy…)

We usually try not to upset our readers “too much”, so were a bit hesitant about including this piece asking whether or not “Spock’s Brain” was really the worst episode of Star Trek: TOS ever

Texas has enacted a law that will force the investigation and possible indictment of parents of trans kids for “child abuse”

Octavia Butler was inspired by a bad SF movie

Retro Rockets offers up this retro image

Hugo Gernsback’s very first television broadcast was an image of Felix the Cat


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