Apologies.  This week’s News From Fandom is a bit truncated as our feed decided to have the hiccups.

Audiblegate Update: Policy Change Does Not Satisfy Authors Guild
Audible has deflected criticism of their returns policy by curtailing the time when a return would be charged against a writer’s royalties from a year to seven days. However, the authors who initially raised the issue question what difference that

SLF Announces Winners of 2020 Diverse Writers Grant and Diverse Worlds Grant
The Speculative Literature Foundation has announced that Kanyinsola Olorunnisola is the winner of the 2020 Diverse Writers Grant and Tatiana Schlote-Bonne is the winner of the 2020 Diverse Worlds Grant. Olorunnisola was awarded the Diverse Writers Grant for his work

Taking Inventory of Future Worldcon Bids
Next year fans will choose the site of the 2023 Worldcon: Chengdu, China and Memphis, TN (USA) are currently in contention. Beyond that? An abundance of new Worldcon bids have responded to SMOFCon 37-1/4’s call for questionnaires — Israel, Los

Pixel Scroll 12/4/20 The Rest Of The File, To Scroll Man, It’s… It’s A Filkbook!
SFPA OFFICER ELECTIONS. The Science Fiction and Fantasy Poetry Association announced the outcome of its recent elections. Incumbent President, Bryan Thao Worra, was voted in to continue.The new Vice President is Colleen Anderson, and the new Secretary is Brian

Pixel Scroll 12/3/20 Scrolls Are Seldom What They Seemeth, Mithril Masquerades As Scrith
DISCON III ASKS QUESTIONS. Should DisCon III, the 2021 Worldcon, move its date, should it emphasize virtual or in-person participation? The committee has launched a survey to find what fans think: We’re working hard to figure out the

Addison Named SFPA Grand Master
Science Fiction & Fantasy Poetry Association (SFPA) members have honored Linda Addison as their 2020 Grand Master. Addison accepted the award saying: I’m speechless and overwhelmed with joy to be selected as the 2020 SFPA Grandmaster! I didn’t dare dream about

2020 Prix Goncourt
The winner of the , the French equivalent to the Booker Prize or National Book Award, has been announced and it’s a genre novel. The novel in question is L’Anomalie (The Anomaly) by Hervé Le Tellier. France 24’s article “Futuristic

To Space From the Netherlands
By John Hertz: Cat Eldridge wrote a birthday notice for C.S. Lewis recently. Some of us talked about Lewis’ trilogy of Earth-Mars-Venus travel books, Out of the Silent Planet, Perelandra, That Hideous Strength. You may have seen last year that Perelandra was one of two books

Pixel Scroll 12/2/20 The Television Will Not Be Revolutionized
FLIGHT WORN ART. Artist Gregory Manchess tells how he designed the Dragon Crew One patch – and how he got the gig in the first place: “Mission Patch: Crew One” at Muddy Colors. …Through a convoluted process of attending

2021 GRAMMY Nominees
The 2021 GRAMMYs: Complete Nominees List was released November 24. Go to the link to see the finalists in each of the 83 categories. The 63rd GRAMMY Awards ceremony will air January 31, on CBS. These are the

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