Scheduling for AmazingCon (June 12-14, 2020, online) are continuing a-pace; the dedicated website – – is almost ready for prime time.
We had added an online art show to the mix (available through the convention website as individual artist galleries),
We are still looking for two or three EXPERIENCED individuals to serve as third-party representatives for handling harrassment interface. Email if you are interested.
A Youtube Channel has been created – Amazing Stories TV – that will eventually be home to videos from the convention as well as other content.
Three writing workshops, limited to 10 students each, will be offered. Following registration (which will open soon), you will receive an email with instructions on how to register for a workshop if you wish; it will also include a link to a downloadable convention badge.
The convention itself will feature two tracks of readings (43 authors!), a continuous music track (concerts, performances), an art show, panels and more.
We also just released our second Amazing Selects novella – Captain Future: The Guns of Pluto
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