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FANAC Fan History Project                                                     UPDATE 12

April 17, 2020

Greetings and felicitations. I hope this update finds you all well – we are in living in surreal and frightening times. For us, wallowing in fan history is not only a passion but a good way to focus on something other than the pandemic news. Apparently, others feel the same way. We’ve had a number of scans from new contributors, as well as our stalwarts. In particular, new material has been provided by Rich Lynch, Sheryl Birkhead, Joe Patrizio, Mike Saler, Syd Weinstein and Tom Whitmore.

CoNZealand Retro Hugo Awards nominations: We’ve completed our work on the Retro Hugos for 2020. Final nominees were announced recently by CoNZealand, and we’ve assembled a page of links for the fannish material nominated in the categories of Best Related Work, Best Fanzine and Best Fan Writer. Our webmaster, Edie Stern, combed through all the 1944 fan publications available on the net to make the list as complete as possible. We want to thank CoNZealand, Steve Davidson (Amazing Stories), Mike Glyer (File 770), Dave Langford (Ansible), Andrew Porter (news lists) and Locus for promoting and linking to our effort. You can access the material at .

FANAC by the Numbers. We have passed what feel to us like some significant milestones in our archiving -over 10,000 fanzine issues and over 150,000 pages scanned. That’s not counting pages in some of our largest runs like Opuntia, MT Void and TNFF. It does include over 3,000 newszines. Our YouTube channel has over 500 subscribers, and more than 75,000 views. Fancyclopedia 3 has over 30,000 pages. It feels like we’re getting somewhere.

Recent Highlights: FANAC was there, at the last convention before the lockdown….
Mark Olson ran a scanning station at Corflu 37 Heatwave (March, 2020) in College Station, Texas. The table was in a great location, inside the program room with a handy electrical outlet. Many thanks to Chairman John Purcell for making it all easy. Thanks to John and Valerie Purcell, and Pat Virzi – the Corflu 2020 committee — for help throughout the weekend. Murray & Mary Ellen Moore, Pat Virzi, and Sandra Bond brought fanzines to scan, and Murray and Tom Becker provided help along the way. Mark scanned almost 1,000 pages. also received the FAAN award for Best On-Line Activity for the second time. We also acknowledge Bill Burns who withdrew his website,, after winning the award many times. Best of all, no one who attended the convention came home sick! Bristol, England will be the site of Corflu 38 Concorde, March 26-28, 2021, chaired by Rob Jackson –

FANAC Fan History Project website:
It’s always a balancing act to juggle adding new titles with completing the runs of fanzine titles already being scanned. Since our last report, we’ve completed the runs of Dan Steffan’s Boonfark, Dick Wilson’s Science Fiction News Letter, Algis Budrys’ dubious, Geri Sullivan’s Idea. Bill Donaho’s Habakkuk, Ginjer Buchanan and Suzle Tompkins fanzine Imryrr, Jeff Smith’s Khatru, Richard Harter’s Personal Notes, John Douglas & Gordon van Toen’s OSFIC Quarterly, Stu Shiffman’s & Larry Carmody’s Raffles, Tucker & Bloch’s Science Fiction Fifty-Yearly, John Magnus’ SF, Lora Crozetti’s Venus and Jeanne Gomoll’s Whimsey. After a strong focus in the past on the 1950s and earlier, this run of now-complete zines is dominated by 1970s faneds.

We didn’t do this alone, but with the help of many others (as you will see below). If we’re close to a complete run of an important fanzine, we will importune you all for scans or copies to scan. Fanzine runs for which we lack only a couple of issues are on our begging page. Please check the date on the page, and drop us a line before you scan to make sure we still need the issue. .

Of course, we’ve also started adding some new titles. You might be interested in Don Wilson’s Dream Quest (40s), or Lars Bourne’s Brillig (50s). Brillig’s primary columnist was Dick Geis. Dave Ish’s Sol (50s) contributors included Bob Silverberg, Walt Willis and Lee Hoffman. Ron Clarke’s The Mentor (60s) is where Vol Molesworth’s serial history of Australian fandom appeared. From the 70s we’ve added Moshe Feder & Barry Smotroff’s Placebo, and Janice Bogstad & Jeanne Gomoll’s Janus/Aurora (known for its serious and constructive articles on women in science fiction). There’s also Hansen & White’s Crank (80s), Ken Cheslin’s Bleary Eyes (00s) Goon reprints, and we’ve started uploading Rich & Nicki Lynch’s Mimosa (90s) and Robert Lichtman’s Trap Door (80s), both nominated for awards many times. There was/is much more; just look at

Special thanks to Andy Porter for his efforts to get the word out as new material is added to the site.

Other Organizations: FANAC is working with other like-minded organizations to preserve our S-F and fannish history. Among these are the Association of Science Fiction and Fantasy Artists (ASFA), British Science Fiction Association (BSFA), the Birmingham Science Fiction Group (BSFG), Fandom Association of Central Texas (FACT), Los Angeles Science Fantasy Society (LASFS), Minnesota Science Fiction Society (Minn-StF), New England Science Fiction Association (NESFA), the National Fantasy Fan Federation (NFFF), South Florida Science Fiction Society (SFSFS), and the Washington Science Fiction Association (WSFA). All of these groups have provided materials for the archive, and we’re putting up more of their materials on a regular basis. Watch this space – we’re talking to additional organizations as well.

FANAC Fan History YouTube Channel:
Today’s stats are actually 77,178 views and 540 subscribers. We’re at 79 recordings, with one more imminent. If we had been at 80 already, you would have read that above in “FANAC by the Numbers”.

Our recent recordings include videos of two legendary First Fandomites, David Kyle and Bob Madle. These were recorded when each was the Guest of Honor at Philcon in 2012 and 2013 respectively. Joe Siclari did the interviews, and the videographer for both was Syd Weinstein, who has kindly helped us get them ready for YouTube.
The earliest NESFA recordings we received last year were from Boskone 5 (1968). From that convention, we most happily digitized a talk by Isaac Asimov, in which he holds forth on everything from Fantastic Voyage to Lester del Rey. As always, Edie enhanced the audio with photos and illustrations to complement the talk (links at end). We’ve been told by one of Isaac’s friends that this was Isaac at his peak.

Since the last newsletter, we’ve put up our oldest recording thus far. The Blish family appreciated our posting of James Blish’s 1970 Eastercon Guest of Honor speech, and offered their personal recording of Blish’s Guest of Honor Speech at the 1960 Worldcon (Pittcon). It’s short but very much to the point, and has a real William Atheling, Jr., feel. Photos and illos have been added.

We’ve created a playlist for each decade from 1960s to now. Click on the playlist tab (on our YouTube channel) and you can choose which decade you want to explore. Click on “View Full List” and while the first one is playing, you can scroll the list for that decade on the right of the screen. Subscribe to our channel and you’ll receive notification when we add a new recording.
Mark Olson, chief editor for Fancyclopedia, has been writing software again. This time he’s created a list of all the conventions we know about, chronologically by date. Last year, he did the same for fanzines and newszines, and now you can begin your researches at any point in the fannish universe and start to follow the thread. Or you could just look at the convention list and see what you’ve missed. You’ll find the list at

You may have guessed that the focus at Fancyclopedia is on conventions this quarter. Mark is particularly looking for convention history articles. We’ve added a very short wishlist to our begging list online. If you have info about a convention, please check the Fancyclopedia article and edit, or supply corrections and additions by emailing us at That also works if we inadvertently left your convention out of our list.

Coming Attractions: Looking ahead, we’ll have more recordings on our YouTube channel with Harlan Ellison, Susan Wood, Ursula K. LeGuin and others. We’ll have more classic fanzines from the 1930s and 40s as well as more from Mimosa, Trap Door and zines from Australia and the United Kingdom.

Please pass this update on to any fan or list where you think it might be of interest. Those interested in subscribing can sign up on the home page.

We usually close with a funny line about Fan History. This time, we’re all hunkered down and some of us are ill. So, we just want to leave you with this – stay safe and we’ll see you next time.

Fanhistorically yours…Joe Siclari, Edie Stern and Mark Olson


Recent Contributors (since the last newsletter):
Australia: Irwin Hirsh, Kim Huett
Canada: Bob Hurter, Murray & Mary Ellen Moore, George Phillies, Dale Speirs,
Israel: Leybl Botwinik
UK: Sandra Bond, John Bray, BSFA (Allen Stroud and others), BSFG, Alistair Durie, Rob Hansen, Rob Jackson. Dave Langford

Northeast: Sheryl Birkhead, Eli Cohen, John Godin, Mark & Evelyn Leeper, Richard Lynch, Sam McDonald, Andy Porter, T.R. Renner, David Ritter, Geri Sullivan, Syd Weinstein
Midwest: Janice Bogstad, Jeanne Gomoll, Jeff Smith
Southwest: John Purcell, Pat Virzi
West: Tom Becker, Mike Glyer, Jim Harris, Andy Hooper, Steve Johnson, Robert Lichtman, Mike Saler, Tom Whitmore

Selected links:
Facebook Group:
Fancyclopedia 3:
Chronological Convention list:
Core List: to Scan:
Chronological Listing:
Newszine Project:

FANAC Fanhistory YouTube channel:
Interview with Bob Madle:
Isaac Asimov (Boskone 5, 1968):
James Blish (Pittcon, 1960):
The FANAC Fanhistory Project is a project of The Florida Association for Nucleation and Conventions (FANAC) Inc., a non-profit 501(c)(3) educational organization recognized by the IRS.


That’s NOT Science Fiction Department:  The Documentary – The Complete Guide to Paintball – is now available for pre-order (streaming or DVD).  Your humble publisher spent 30+ years deeply involved in this sport, being named the Paintball Man of the Year for 1992, voted a Top 100 Player of All Time in 1999 and attempting, throughout, to transfer fannish culture and ethos to it – unsuccessfully.  Regardless of personal involvement, the history of the Fastest Growing Sport is a fascinating one.

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