Your Science Fiction and Fantasy Book Bargains for September 5, 2019


The Return of the Dragons: Hidden Magic Volume I

by Kenneth Kappelmann

When Kirven killed the black canok in the glade outside Toopek, he did not realize that he had just taken the first step to fulfilling Schram’s destiny. At that time he did not even know for sure if Schram was the “one.” He only knew that time was growing short for him to find the only one who could harness the power to defeat the dragons. If it wasn’t Schram, he had wasted a long time with the human. Possibly too long for the Troyf to be saved from the dragons.

A group of companies must face challenges, death, love, and fate; and the choices they make could save the world or lead it into dragon rule and tyranny forever. Track these companions as they seek to master the powers put before them, and even when every action seems to be falling into place, someone or something is not what they seem to be and the Hidden Magic will either save them or end their trek for peace.

$0.00 Previously $2.99

Category: Fantasy – Epic

The Demon Kiss

by Juliana Haygert

A young woman with a secret heritage. A man who made a deal with the devil. And an academy where the students are just as dangerous as the demons …

I’ve been kept from the truth all my life. Demons walk the earth, and I’m destined to slay them–I only wish I hadn’t lost someone I loved while discovering that truth.
Now the demons are after me. The only way to stay alive is to attend an academy for demon hunters–a school where I’ll learn how to kill supernaturals and slay the underworld’s minions. But I still feel there are secrets I’m not being told …

An upper young adult paranormal romance novel set in the universe of the Rite World, this is a dark fantasy you won’t want to miss! Forge your weapons and cast spells in a school where demons are hunted and the hunters themselves become prey.

Previously $2.99

Category: Fantasy – Paranormal & Urban

Tales of the Feisty Druid Omnibus (Books 1-7)

by Candy Crum

She missed the war, but she’ll be damned if she loses her chance for revenge.

Ten years after fleeing Arcadia to save her life, Arryn is all grown up. She spent the past decade in the Dark Forest with the druids, training in warrior combat and battle magic.
Now that Arcadia is safe and Arryn is more than capable of taking care of herself, she decides to go back in order to search for her father. The only problem is that the city she once called home isn’t safe at all.

Arryn knows she has to do what she was raised to do: fight.

She won’t rest until the wicked are dead and the innocents are finally able to rise from the darkness.

Previously $9.99

Category: Fantasy – Metaphysical & Visionary

Durga System Boxed Set One

by Jessie Kwak

Jail breaks, heists, and hostile takeovers — they’re ready for it all.

Join this crew of motley, unforgettable characters in the Durga System, a world where every adventure requires quick wits and quicker draws.

This boxed set contains three standalone (but interconnected) novellas: Starfall, Negative Return, and Deviant Flux.

Welcome to Jessie Kwak’s Durga System series, a fast-paced series of gangster sci-fi stories set in a far-future world where humans may have left their home planet to populate the stars, but they haven’t managed to leave behind their vices. And that’s very good for business.

Previously $4.99

Other Retailers
Apple | Nook | Kobo

Category: Science Fiction – Adventure


by Ralph Kern

Since we first looked at the stars, there has been a silence, no signs of alien life, no one who has tried to speak to us, a mystery that a long dead scientist called: The Fermi Paradox.

“Where are they?”

Tom Hites and Harry Cosgrove command the first Starship, Endeavour, on an epic journey that spans light years and centuries to solve this mystery.

As they search amidst the the long abandoned worlds and ancient relics, that question they seek to answer becomes: “Where are they now?”

Previously $3.99

Category: Science Fiction – Space Exploration

The Other Side of Heaven

by Morgan O’Neill

Californian Gwen Godwyn hopes to restore the bond that once existed between her Italian and American families. While visiting Italy, she inexplicably time travels. When Gwen meets Lord Alberto conflict ensues. Will he help her find her rightful place in time, on the other side of heaven? Book One of the Italian Time Travel Series.

Previously $2.99

Category: Fantasy – Historical

Time Enough for Love

by Morgan O’Neill

Through dark magic, Californian Gwen Godwyn is swept back to medieval Italy. There, she finds herself in the midst of a war between Queen Adelaide and those who seek to usurp her crown. In the chaos, Gwen is drawn to the queen’s champion, Alberto Uzzo. Will they overcome the groundswell of danger to find time enough for love? Book Two of the Italian Time Travel Series.

Previously $2.99

This article was originally posted on

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