The National Fantasy Fan Federation (N3F), one of the longest continuously operating fan clubs, co-founded by none other than Damon Knight (Co-founder of SFWA and a SFWA Grandmaster, co-founder of the Clarion and Milford Workshops and SF Hall of Fame inductee) recently announced the 2019 Neffy Awards.

Amazing Stories was declared the Winner of the Best Magazine category.

We’re chuffed!

Thank You N3F!  Thank you to all of the members, thank you to those who voted for us.  (No need to console our fellow nominees, we were the only nominee!) and thank you Damon for your presience all those years ago when you helped found the organization.

Shout out to John Thiel and George Phillies of N3F!  Thank You!


It should be noted that this appears to be Award Week for Amazing Stories;  earlier this week at the Hugo Awards Ceremony, we learned that Foz Meadows, who graced our pages several years ago, was awarded the Best Fan Writer Hugo Award.  Congrats to Foz on earning that well-deserved recognition.


It’s great to win awards and receive the recognition of your peers.  Especially so when you know that the people working on the magazine and the website have worked hard and done an excellent job.  My thanks in particular to Ira Nayman (Editor) and Kermit Woodall (Art Director/Webmaster);  my thanks also to all of the many fine authors, artists, fans and supporters whose contributions and support were instrumental in bringing us to this day.


Woo Hoo!

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