AMAZING NEWS: 10-14-18


The Women Who Wear Halloween Masks Every Day

A Map of Every Building in America

Google Exposed Data and Then Hid It from the Public (do no harm…right)

Facebook Deleted a Bunch of Pages.  Here’s a List

Tear Down STEM’s Gender Wall

An Explanation of Kyriarchy


NYCC:  Best Cosplay and, via File 770 – Lots and lots of More Cosplay

Meet the New Doc, Same as the old Doc (just with different gender)

Over the years, Snoopy has been many THINGS

Batwoman Unveiled

James Gunn may pen Suicide Squad sequel

Robot Planet

Jukebox Planet

Avengers 4 Wraps Itself in an Enigmaand it looks like Spider-Man lives….

Batman Rising in Gotham

Star Trek Discovery, Season 2 Trailer suggests the show is trying to get back to being “Trek”…which means, as many suggested, that season 1 wasn’t really Trek…

Wheaton Wants Back In (figure out a way to include Shatner and we have a winner!)

Man in the High Castle Departing from Dickian Roots

Just in time for Halloween, giant purple tentacles invade shipyard

15 SF Film Wins…and some flops

Two Indie SF Fims:  Clara and Prospect

When Scott Edelman Isn’t Eating and Talking, He’s Digging Up Odd Historical Facts


Dave Creek Wins 2018 Imadjinn Award (A short story by Dave appears in our premiere issue)

Important Panel at NYCC, features Jemisin, Older & Schwab

What exactly happened back in 1936 at that first Convention? (A close read lends weight to US claim for first convention; sorry Leeds.)

Review of Astounding: John W. Campbell, Isaac Asimov, Robert A. Heinlein, L. Ron Hubbard, and the Golden Age of Science Fiction by Alec Nevala-Lee

Gaiman on Adapting Pratchett

Kirkman on The Secret History of Comics

What Makes Epic Fantasy Work?  Salvatore and Rothfuss

Science Wars, Acapella Style

New Releases this Week

Another ST:TOS Star Gone:  Celeste Yarnall

War and Science Fiction

In Defense of Klingon Hair

Special Chuck Wendig Section

New Graphic Novel Proposed in support of Wendig

Deadline     IO9     Bleeding Cool     Vulture

Special Religion Queries SF Section

Could Robots Rule the World

Gospel in SF:  There are Christ Figures Everywhere (actually, there are heroe’s journeys everywhere)

‘Religious’ Shows on TV Without a God


Astro/Cosmo Nauts Safe After Emergency Landing (yay!)

Spectacular Night Launch

And more stunning photos of the same

Space Gyro Woes Affect Hubble

Exploring Mars Mania

Virgin Galactic Launch Weeks Away (hmmm, still no ticket in the mail…)

Astronomers Identify More FRBs

Neil Cautions on Space Force

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