2018 Forry Award
The Los Angeles Science Fantasy Society has voted Steven Barnes its Forry Award for service to science fiction. He joins the ranks of 53 others who have been honored by the LASFS since 1966. The award will be publicly presented

Pixel Scroll 9/15/18 It’s The Wrong Pixel, Gromit, And It’s Scrolled Wrong
WHAT GEEZERS SAY. James Davis Nicoll’s twist on his previous series theme, Old People Read New SFF, finds the panel assigned “Carnival Nine” by Caroline M. Yoachim. This month’s installment of Old People Read New SFF is Caroline M.

Bradbury’s Mars on Stage
By John King Tarpinian: Last night I went to see the stage play, Martians: An Evening with Ray Bradbury. Charlie Mount plays Ray as an on-stage narrator going through Ray’s thought processes of creating his stories along with his philosophies on

Best Editor Long Form and Short Form Hugo: Eligible Works from 2018
By JJ: To assist Hugo nominators, listed below are the editors of works published for the first time in 2018. These credits have been accumulated from Acknowledgments sections and copyright pages in works, as well as other sources on the internet.

2019 Loscon Guests of Honor Announced
Loscon 46 chair Matthew B. Tepper has announced the 2019 convention’s guests of honor: Pro: Howard Waldrop Fan: Edie Stern Artist: Julie Dillon The theme of Loscon 46 is “Where Science Fiction Meets Fantasy.” Loscon 46 will be held November

Pixel Scroll 9/14/18 Planetary Classification Just Ain’t About Sol Anymore
MOON EXHIBITION IN DENMARK. Louisiana, the largest gallery of Modern Art in the Nordic countries, is holding an exhibition about The Moon from September 13-January 20. The themes are Moonlight, Selenography, The Moon of Myth, The Moon Landing, The

Changing of the Guard at The Heinlein Society
Minnesota fan Geo Rule is the newly-installed President of The Heinlein Society. Keith Kato’s term as President ended – “amicably and by my own wishes” he notes — with the adjournment of THS’s online Annual Meeting last Sunday and the

Shimmer Program / Storycom Offers Two Grants to Send Chinese Conrunners to Dublin 2019
Once again Storycom is encouraging Chinese fans to take an active part in the Worldcons — with its third Worldcon Attending Fund for Chinese Fans, offering two grants for Chinese conrunners to attend Dublin 2019. In order to encourage Chinese

2018 National Toy Hall of Fame Finalists
The 2018 finalists for the National Toy Hall of Fame have been announced and they include 2 genre related toys: Masters of the Universe Toys Tickle Me Elmo The entire list of nominees follows: American Girl Dolls Created in 1986

The 2018 Ig Nobel Prize Winners
The 2018 Ig Nobel Prizes were awarded September 13 in a ceremony at Harvard’s Sanders Theatre. The ceremony was webcast MEDICINE PRIZE [USA] — Marc Mitchell and David Wartinger, for using roller coaster rides to try to hasten the passage

Pixel Scroll 9/13/18 A Pixel Without A Scroll Is Like Leslie Fish Without A Bicycle Card
COMING DISTRACTIONS. presents a gallery of photos of Hurricane Florence taken from space. With Hurricane Florence dominating this view from the International Space Station, Alexander Gerst warns the East Coast to get ready, “this is a no-kidding nightmare

Pixel Scroll 9/12/18 Pleonasmatic
MAGIC ON DISPLAY. Sean McLachlan reviews the exhibit of “Magical Items at Oxford’s Ashmolean Museum” for Black Gate. A new exhibition at Oxford’s Ashmolean Museum showcases 180 real-life magical items. Spellbound: Magic, Ritual & Witchcraft explores the history of

Jemisin Wins 2018 Planete-SF Prize
The 2018 Planete-SF Prize was awarded to the French edition of The Fifth Season, by N. K. Jemisin on September 10. The Planete-SF Prize is a French semi-public blogger’s prize created in 2011. The award jury is composed of: Anudar

Classic Sci-Fi Roundup Part 3
Compiled by Carl Slaughter: Invasion of the Body Snatchers The Last Man on Earth More videos follow the jump. Man with Two Lives The Amazing Transparent Man Indestructible Man The Amazing Colossal Man Attack of the 50 Foot Woman The

Pixel Scroll 9/11/18 The Pixellist’s Scroll Is Missing
LEVAR BURTON. The good news is: Episode 32 of LeVar Burton Reads features the actor’s voicing of “Jackalope Wives” by Ursula Vernon. (2) FLORENCE. The bad news is, the hurricane is bearing down on Oor Wombat – The sky

A Century of AI in the Movies
[Thanks to Brian Thomas of Enlightened Digital for the graphic.]

Rotsler Award Exhibit at Worldcon 76
By John Hertz: Andrew Porter shot these fine photos of the Rotsler Award exhibit at the 76th World Science Fiction Convention. Some Worldcons have nicknames. This year’s Worldcon was just “Worldcon 76” . In fact I know people whose nickname

Dublin 2019 News
File 770 missed covering these 2019 Worldcon news releases when they first came out. Dublin takes over as host of next World Science Fiction Convention Dublin 2019 – An Irish Worldcon will be the next World Science Fiction Convention,

Pixel Scroll 9/10/18 I Get Scrolled Down, I Pixel Up Again, You’re Never Gonna Click Me Down
MESSAGE FROM THE RESISTANCE. Sometimes you need an inter-dimensional perspective to put things into their proper focus, like what Andrew Paul provides in “I Am Part of the Resistance Inside Nyarlathotep’s Death Cult” at McSweeney’s. Nyarlathotep is now facing

It’s Not Hard to Find the Real Numbers
Today I read an indie author telling his fans that creators inevitably have to deal with “haters.” Then I scrolled through his recent posts and discovered he had written another assuring everybody he is unimpressed by the 2018 Hugo Award

Climbing Mount Tsund… sorry, Kilimanjaro
By Hampus Eckerman: A picture of me on the second day of my climb of Mount Kilimanjaro. Yes, I am the one in Spider-Man dress.

Sci-Fi with Marionettes
Compiled by Carl Slaughter: Thunderbirds Captain Scarlet More videos follow the jump. Secret Service Joe 90 Terrahawks Fireball

Pixel Scroll 9/9/18 I Can’t Get No Pixel Action When I’m Reading Pixel Scroll
TAFF DATES ANNOUNCED. John Purcell says it’s almost time to submit nominees for the 2019 Trans-Atlantic Fan Fund race. Since a lot of people have asked, European TAFF Administrator Johan Anglemark and I have established the following dates for

Night 1 of 2018 Creative Arts Emmy Awards
The 2018 Creative Arts Awards are being presented on two consecutive nights: Saturday, September 8 and Sunday, September 9. Below is a recap of Saturday’s awards of genre interest. In recognition of its legacy of boldly propelling science,

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