So here then is a collection of videos that, in combination, may give those unfortunates who could not attend WorldCon76 a taste of the event.
We begin with a “Worldcon Walkabout” from Worldcon Events. Given the state of things visible at the opening of this video, I can state with a fair degree of confidence that this was filmed beginning at around noon on the first day of the convention. The Amazing Stories booth makes its appearance at approximately 20:12.
Of particular note – take a look at the members as they enter the hall. Yes, there are “graybeards”, but there’s also a lot of young whipper-snappers visible too.
There was a protest of the convention. The person responsible for putting this event together failed to show up himself, as did, apparently, most of the fascist-adjacent people that were supposed to make this a big event. The excuse for wearing MAGA hats and spewing idiocy in public was the supposed support and enablement of pedophilia by the science fiction community, a claim based on a homophobic book, tired old incendiary homophobic fears and an inability to both read and comprehend, but, hey, free speech and all of that, right?
This video was recorded by folks who seem to be in sympathy with the idiots, especially when you take into account the side-bar commentary. It’s also been pretty carefully shot to give the impression that the idiots out-numbered and out-presented the counter-protestors. All told, there couldn’t have been more than 50-60 people on both sides.
The protest-counter-protest was dwarfed by the convention attendees who sometimes watched from inside the lobby of the convention center (visible in the first video with stairs and escalators), more often than not lauging (which is about all you can do when confronted with such base idiocy). The protest had absolutely no effect on the convention.
Watch, but only if you enjoy watching clowns who have forgotten to put on their fright wigs and big red noses.
How about a nice little tribute to John Picacio, Worlcon GoH and Toastmaster for the Hugo Awards Ceremony for a change of pace? (Better than washing your eyeballs with bleech after that last one).
Next up: I’m always curious to see the impressions and listen to the thoughts of fans who are not members of the gray hair mafia; I do vaguely remember being that young, energetic and enthusiastic and, while it may be exhausting to watch this much energy pouring forth from the screen, I can appreciate it, and also learn a thing or two. A young fan who goes by the name of Kalandi recounts her experiences and manages to nail it when describing what conventions are all about. In a second video, she shares her book haul.
And another from “FinalBlowJoe” who traveled across the big pond to attend his very first WorldCon:
Time to take a break as we bring you another audio-only binge of clueless blather by people who have not a clue, coming from the ‘gate side of things. (Actually, a highly selective and unsupported spew of negativity.) (Recounts the Puppy Wars from a puppy-adjacent POV.) by WorldClassBullshitters (aptly named)
The business meeting. Here’s the first of many, you can find the rest here
THE 2018 HUGO AWARDS (including N.K. Jemisin’s awesome acceptance speech), from Worldcon76:
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