Harlan Ellison (1934-2018)
SFWA Grandmaster and member of the SF Hall of Fame Harlan Ellison died June 28. Susan Ellison has asked me to announce the passing of writer Harlan Ellison, in his sleep, earlier today. “For a brief time I was here,

Harlan Ellison Tribute Roundup
Acclaimed speculative fiction writer Harlan Ellison died today at the age of 84. Here is a selection of tributes and reactions posted in social media immediately following the announcement. Stephen King Harlan Ellison: There was no one quite like him

Pixel Scroll 6/25/18 Don’t Forget To Pick Seven Pixels To Put Under Your Pillow So You’ll Dream Of Your One True Scroll
WEATHER FROM ANOTHER PLANET. “NASA reveals stunning images of Jupiter taken by the Juno spacecraft” – Yahoo! has the story. The breathtaking images show swirling cloud belts and tumultuous vortices within Jupiter’s northern hemisphere. Scientists said the photos allowed

Pixel Scroll 6/29/18 My Pixel’s Back, It’s Going To Save My Reputation, If I Were You, I’d Take An Internet Vacation
‘TIS THE SEASON. It’s time now for yard signs to sprout on neighborhood lawns as Brianna Wu’s campaign stands up for the September 4 primary. (2) SMALL PLEASURES. N.K. Jemisin is right about that — I never met Harlan

Update on Del Arroz Suit Against Worldcon 76
There are three new filings in the case of “Jonathan Del Arroz vs San Francisco Science Fiction Conventions, Inc. (‘SFSFC’) aka ‘Worldcon76’ David W. Gallaher (2019), President et al.,’” — the first new entries to the court’s online status system

Pixel Scroll 6/28/18 Stay Scrolled, Pixelboy… Stay Scrolled…
FUTURE TENSE. Joey Eschrich, Editor and Program Manager at ASU’s Center for Science and the Imagination and the Assistant Director, Future Tense, forwards the latest entry in the Future Tense Fiction series: “A Brief and Fearful Star” by Carmen

For the Love of (Another) Mike
By John Hertz: I’m reading M.A. Screech’s second edition (2003) of Montaigne’s Essays. Dr. Screech collates the different versions, translates the many quotations, and annotates. That’s the literary present tense; he died June 1st (1926-2018). Montaigne once said congenially “the

2018 Utopiales Awards Shortlists
Finalists have been announced for two of the awards that will be presented at Utopiales, the International Science Fiction Festival of Nantes. The nominees for the Prix Utopiales 2018 are: L’Or du diable, Andreas Eschbach (L’Atalante) Espace Lointain, Jaroslav Melnik

Marvel Roundup 6/28/18
Compiled by Carl Slaughter: All bad things that happen in the MCU result from Tony Stark’s bad decisions More videos follow the jump. Philosophy of Thanos Infinitely important facts about Thanos the Mad Titan MCU actor changes slipped in Tony

2018 Saturn Awards
The Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror Films presented the 2018 Saturn Awards on June 27. The Saturn Awards Organization is part of The Academy of Science Fiction, Fantasy and Horror Films which is a non-profit corporation founded in

Pixel Scroll 6/27/18 What Has It Got In Its Retro Packet?
ANAHEIM EVENT GOES DOWN THE TUBER. With dreams of rivaling VidCon, YouTuber Tana Mongeau tried to stage her own event in Anaheim. How did that go? New York Magazine titled its coverage “A Mouth to Hell Opened This Weekend

What’s in the 1943 Retro Hugo Voter Packet?
Worldcon 76 has released the 1943 Retrospective Hugo Awards Voter Packet, a collection of finalists for the 1943 Retro-Hugo Awards created to assist Worldcon members in making informed decisions when voting on this year’s Hugo Awards. All the files are

Barkley — So Glad You (Didn’t) Ask: A Column of Unsolicited Opinions — #30
Why I am Advocating for a Best Translated Novel Category By Chris M. Barkley: Author’s Note: Like Jo Van Ekeren, I am a member of a Hugo Awards Study Committee, which was formed last year at Worldcon 75 in Helsinki,

ConCarolinas Chair Steps Down
When David Weber got chair Jada Hope Diaz to publicly accept all his conditions for becoming ConCarolinas’ guest in 2019 (see video of her statement here), including an apology to John Ringo, who had withdrawn as a guest amid controversy

Pixel Scroll 6/26/18 Eliminate The Inscrollible, Whatever Remains, However Impixellable, Must Be The Fifth
AMAZING’S SUBMISSION SYSTEM, TAKE TWO. Jason Sanford sent a link to his open post on Patreon, “Amazing Stories rejection emails and why I report on the SF/F genre”. Last week File770 covered my reporting on Amazing Stories and their

2018 Manning Award Nominees
Comic-Con International has announced the 2018 nominees for the Russ Manning Promising Newcomer Award. The Manning Award is presented to a comics artist who, early in his or her career, shows a superior knowledge and ability in the art of

2018 Bill Finger Award
Joye Murchison Kelly and Dorothy Roubicek Woolfolk have been selected to receive the 2018 Bill Finger Award for Excellence in Comic Book Writing. The selection was made by a committee chaired by writer-historian Mark Evanier, Charles Kochman (executive editor at

2018 Clampett Humanitarian Award
The 2018 recipients for the Bob Clampett Humanitarian Award are Frederick Joseph and Seattle’s Comics4Kids. Frederick Joseph New York resident Frederick Joseph created the Black Panther Challenge on GoFundMe to send black children from Harlem to see the Black Panther

2018 Will Eisner Spirit of Comics Retailer Award Nominees
Twenty nominees have been chosen for this year’s Will Eisner Spirit of Comics Retailer Award. The Award is given out yearly to retailers who have done an outstanding job of supporting the comic art medium both in the industry at

Cats Sleep on SFF: Chad’s Manuscript
Chad Saxelid asks a theological question: Does Sam Hain spreading himself across the dark fantasy story I was trying to revise count? Photos of other felines resting on genre works are welcome. Send to mikeglyer (at) cs (dot) com

General Sci-Fi Roundup 6/25/18
Compiled by Carl Slaughter: Spaceballs documentary More videos follow the jump. Titan was the worst science fiction movie of the year Out of sync sequels Pixar versus Disney Upgrade movie director interview “‘Upgrade’ director Leigh Whannell talks low-budget worldbuilding” at

Pixel Scroll 6/24/18 To File Where We Scrolled And Know The Pixel For The Fifth Time
THUNDER LIZARDS MAKE BOX OFFICE NOISE. They tipped plenty of gold onto the scales this weekend: “‘Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom’ Feasts on $150 Million Opening”. “Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom” topped estimates to devour

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