Conference Video (including a pretty cool presentation of the state of the market)
Facebook Suspends 2000+ Apps for Misuse of Data
The Collected Captain Future from Haffner Press
Galactic Journey Finds Something Good in May ’83 issue of Amazing Stories
Margot Kidder – Superman’s Lois Lane – 1948-2018
Pick Your Interstellar Travel Mode
Entertainment? Maybe Not. Murderbots and Preventing the Robo/AI pocalypse
Handmaid’s Tale: The Most Brutal Show on Television
The Convergence of Surreal Cover Art and Science Fiction (via Ruby Kapture)
Fantastic Books Announces Anthology Kickstarter: Release the Virgins!
Alex Shvartsman’s Future Science Fiction Magazine’s Debut Issue
Heliosphere 2018 Announces Laura Antoniou as GoH
Haffner Press Announces Final Collection of Leigh Brackett Short Stories
Janelle Monae’s Albums Are Charting an Afrofuturist Future (via Ruby Kapture)
Earliest Alphabet Discovered (Kinda need one to write)
Anti-Religious Bias Almost Scuttled the Big Bang Theory
Fans Are Trying to SAVE THE EXPANSE!
Invasion of the Deadly Moon Dust
Chinese Private Aerospace Firm Reaches Orbit
Asteroid Passes Between Earth and Moon, and You Didn’t Notice
Probability of Alien Existence Increases
Theory Suggests How Life Started in Primordial Soup
Shades of Happy Gilmore: “I eat pieces of sun like you for breakfast.” “You eat sun for breakfast?”
Mars Copter, Coming to a Syrtis Major Near You