SPECIAL NOTE: Hey Kids! If you’re like I was back in the day, tonight is a special night. Do you have your rotten eggs, toilet paper rolls, soap bars, crazy glue, dog poo bags and firecrackers all set to go? Got your victims all picked out? Know when the cops and the neighborhood watch patrols? Oh yes, Mischief Night, Goosey Night, Cabbage Night, the REAL fun for sub-teens and teens at this time of year. As an experienced participant when in my youth, my friends and I quickly discovered that it was a LOT more fun to frustrate other’s plans than it was to implement our own. Throw those rotten eggs at rotten egg throwers instead of houses (tip: surprise ambushes are lots of fun!). Slingshots make good ranged weapons and garden hoses and water balloons seal the deal – especially if your victims have to run away through a field mined with dog poo. Have fun – and be safe out there!
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Atlas Obscura; Krypton Radio; Aqueduct Press; Pandemonium Books; StarShipSofa; TOR.com, OMNI, Signum University; Early Bird Books
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Women in Sci-Fi (via Black Science Fiction Society)
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