AMAZING NEWS: 10/30/2016

SPECIAL NOTE:  Hey Kids!  If you’re like I was back in the day, tonight is a special night.  Do you have your rotten eggs, toilet paper rolls, soap bars, crazy glue, dog poo bags and firecrackers all set to go?  Got your victims all picked out?  Know when the cops and the neighborhood watch patrols?  Oh yes, Mischief Night, Goosey Night, Cabbage Night, the REAL fun for sub-teens and teens at this time of year.  As an experienced participant when in my youth, my friends and I quickly discovered that it was a LOT more fun to frustrate other’s plans than it was to implement our own.  Throw those rotten eggs at rotten egg throwers instead of houses (tip: surprise ambushes are lots of fun!).  Slingshots make good ranged weapons and garden hoses and water balloons seal the deal – especially if your victims have to run away through a field mined with dog poo.  Have fun – and be safe out there!

PRESS RELEASES & NEWSLETTERS (See full text below)

Atlas Obscura; Krypton Radio; Aqueduct Press; Pandemonium Books; StarShipSofa;, OMNI, Signum University; Early Bird Books


Just a woman in a man’s body

How to Teach Your School-Aged Kids About Censorship and 1st Amendment Rights

FCC Passes New Online Privacy Rules

Twitter Blocks (via Brianna Wu)


True Signs of the Apocalypse:  ABBA to Reunite (via Mary Blake)

Weirdbook Magazine

MD Jackson Art

Bookshelf House

How Long to Shelve 52,000 Books?

Women in Sci-Fi (via Black Science Fiction Society)

Dr. Strange – Not a Kid’s Magician

More Barsoom!

Walking Dead Farewells (after the season 7 opener, I think watching this show is all over for me:  it’s just not right to portray absolute evil in such an appealing manner.)

When Atomic War Was Fun

Identifying Dark Matter That Holds the Universe Together (via Mary Blake)

Fuller Steps Away from Star Trek: Nameless;  Resumes work on Amazing Stories?

Tarzan on the Planet of the Apes

Heinlein & Clarke

Babylon 5 & Dr. Who Mashup (via OASIS SF Club)

Glover on Being Lando (via BSFS & Jean Walker)

Alternate Walking Dead Deaths (there should be one of Negan)


Sherri Tepper 1929-2016

1980 Time Warp Project

What a Novel Idea:  Women Directors to Direct 2nd Season of Jessica Jones

Bookbub vs Amazon Prime

Ken Liu Profiled in Harvard Magazine (via Mike Walsh)

Reviving Public Domain Pulp Heroes

Axanar Lawsuit Commentary – Site is down, no one is sure why.

New Releases: Culture Shock The Empire’s Corps 13 by Chris Hanger

Uncanny Magazine #13 Coming 11/1/2016

Langford Gets Paid Modest Fees for Stories Stolen by Hungarian Galaktika

NEW Kuttner from Haffner Press


Yes, Virginia, some spiders do hunt mammals

Circular Logic Department:  Creationist Says Intelligent Aliens Can’t Exist Because Aliens Can’t Exist (must be in one of those expurgated books of the bible….)

Illustrated History of Spaceflight

Help Identify Martian Land Features

From the Top of the VAB & More


October 24, 2016

Image of the Day
The dazzling view of Raymond Hood’s 1925 proposal for a skyscraper bridge, one of many intriguing never-built designs in New York City. (Photo: Never Built New York/Metropolis Books)


The Krypton Radio newsletter ROCKS FROM SPACE is back, direct to your inbox! Here’s the latest:

We’re going to LOSCON! The Los Angeles Science Fantasy Society has a convention every year in November in Los Angeles, and we’re going to be there presenting our popular Sci-Fi Radio Workshop! Look for us in the dealer’s room, too, and come say hi!

Here’s some big news: station owners Susan Fox and Gene Turnbow have been invited to Arisia in Boston in February of 2017 as Radio Guests of Honor! First Los Angeles, then Boston – our first two steps in our mad plot to Take Over The World.

Mua-ha. Mua-haha.

Just practicing.

Tune in to hear Mark Baumgarten and Christian Basel host MarkWho42 next week – the special guest is Mr. Bruce Boxleitner! He was Captain Sheridan from Babylon 5, as well as playing starring roles in Disney’s TRON and TRON: Legacy. The man is walking sci-fi geek history, and Mark Baumgarten and Christian Basel will be his wing men for this great new episode!

Remember, you can get some great new shirts at some great new prices on Krypton Radio’s Secret Lab, right on our web site. We have sizes up to 6XL, so there are shirts that fit everyone.

Patrons get 10% off the already discounted prices for shirts, by the way. Just sayin’.

Keep it tuned to Krypton Radio. It’s the best geek radio there is.

SF Author Sheri S. Tepper, Gone at 87

SF Author Sheri S. Tepper, Gone at 87

The prolific science fiction writer authored more than 33 novels, but also wrote murder mysteries and horror novels under other pen names.

Read more.

Time for 'Class': A Review

Time for ‘Class’: A Review

‘Class’ is the newest Doctor Who spinoff series – but is ‘Class’ truly what it has? Susan Chester-Woods reviews.

Read more.

Has DC Comics Ever Explained Superman's Powers in Any Way?

Has DC Comics Ever Explained Superman’s Powers in Any Way?

The last time anyone made an effort to explain his powers scientifically was during the Golden Age of Comics. Why nothing since then?

Read more.

Four Color Bullet: An Obituary for Michael Brown

Four Color Bullet: An Obituary for Michael Brown

This is the last Four Color Bullet, and for the worst reason possible. Rest in peace, Michael.

Read more.

Review: Star Wars Rebels 'The Last Battle'

Review: Star Wars Rebels ‘The Last Battle’

From start to finish, this episode is a love letter to ‘Clone Wars’ while still functioning as a worthy story on its own. Ryan Miorelli reviews.

Read more.

Krypton Radio is listener supported radio.

If you like what you’re hearing (and reading) please become a patron of Krypton Radio. Just five green things a month. That’s all we ask.


Aqueduct Press logo
The Monthly AqueductWelcome to a new instalment of our newsletter, in which we bring you the latest from us and our friends. This month sees the thrilling release of L. Timmel Duchamp’s novel The Waterdancer’s World, as well as a new issue of The Cascadia Subduction Zone. Scroll down for more details on these and on the Strange Horizons fund drive, as well as other news including our presence at Eurocon next week, the impending deadline for The WisCon Chronicles submissions, and some reading recommendations from around the web.
The Waterdancer’s World
by L. Timmel Duchamp
Out now
Cover image of THE WATERDANCER'S WORLD with a stylised human figure surrounded by blue and purple ice crystal shapes.$20.00 (paperback)
$7.95 (e-book)
Buy nowWe’re very pleased to announce that Aqueduct publishing director L. Timmel Duchamp’s new novel, The Waterdancer’s World, is just being released in trade paperback and e-book editions.

Humans have been struggling to live on Frogmore for almost five centuries, adapting themselves to punishing gravity and the deadly mistflowers that dominate its ecology. Financier Inez Gauthier, patron of the arts and daughter of the general commanding the planet’s occupation forces, dreams of eliminating the mistflowers that make exploitation of the planet’s natural wealth so difficult and impede her father’s efforts to crush the native insurgency. Fascinated by the new art-form of waterdancing created by Solstice Balalzalar celebrating the planet’s indigenous lifeforms, Inez assumes that her patronage will be enough to sustain Solstice’s art even as she ruthlessly pursues windfall profits at the expense of all that has made waterdancing possible.

“Aqueduct editor Duchamp (Never at Home) raises some hard questions about society’s responsibility for the well-being of its most marginalized people, suggesting that the powerful create the underclasses and keep them powerless for the sake of economic convenience. Readers will find much to ponder un Duchamp’s provocative ideas about culture and colonization.”
Publishers Weekly

“The interplay of emotions unfolds on both an individual and a mass level, and the role of art in human history becomes a major theme. This author’s work is almost always just a bit outside the mainstream of science fiction, and that is I think part of the reason that it is so often, as in this case, intensely appealing.”
Critical Mass, Don D’Ammassa.

The Cascadia Subduction Zone, Vol. 6, 4

Conver of the Cascadia Subduction Zone, vol 6, 4$3.00 (digital)
$5.00 (print)

The new issue of The Cascadia Subduction Zone is out. It features poetry by Gwynne Garfinkle and Sonya Taaffe and an essay about anger by L. Timmel Duchamp; the issue’s Grandmother Magma column is by Sarah Zettel, writing about work by Elisabeth Sanxay-Holding; David Findlay, Nancy Jane Moore, and J. M. Siorova contribute reviews; and Madeline Galbraith is our featured artist. As usual, a new issue out means a previous issue unlocked for free download. You can access the April 2016 issue here.

Current Issue: Volume 6, Number 4 October 2016

Sometimes Anger Is the Necessary Response: Reading Chris Kraus’s I Love Dick
by  L. Timmel Duchamp
Una O’Connor unleashes her scream
by Gwynne Garfinkle
A Death of Hippolytos
The Other Lives
by Sonya Taaffe
Grandmother Magma
The Girl We Forgot (and Really Shouldn’t Have) Sarah Zettel on Speak of the Devil and Other Work by Elisabeth Sanxay Holding
The Apothecary’s Curse, by Barbara Barnett
reviewed by J.M. SidorovaStaying with the Trouble: Making Kin in the Chthulucene , by Donna Haraway
reviewed by Nancy Jane Moore

Sleeping Under the Tree of Life,
by Sheree Renée Thomas
reviewed by David Findlay

Featured Artist
Madeline Galbraith
Strange Horizons
Fund Drive Results

Editor-in-chief Niall Harrison has published a summary of this year’s fundraising efforts, to which Aqueduct contributed, as usual, with copies of our latest titles to be given as part of the prize draw. We’re pleased to hear that the fund drive has raised enough to keep the magazine running for 2017, and boasting a sleek new logo and web design, no less. They will also be able to release in full a Spanish SF special scheduled for next week, in time for Barcelona Eurocon 2016, and which features a review of Lola Robles’s Monteverde, as well as Arrate’s review of two new anthologies showcasing Spanish speculative fiction in translation: Castles in Spain and Spanish Women of Wonder. 2017 promises to be an exciting year for science fiction in translation, which Strange Horizons is planning to use part of the raised funds to promote. Do visit Niall’s editorial for a detailed account of what they have in the pipeline, as well as a summary of this year’s highlights.

WisCon Chronicles
Call for Materials
We would like to remind you all that the call for submissions is still open for this year’s volume of The WisCon Chronicles, subtitled Trials by Whiteness and edited by Jaymee Goh. A full description of what Jaymee is looking for is available on our blog. Submissions and pitches should be in by October 31, and pitched articles, by November 15.
Carmilla, the Lesbian Vampire
As part of their month-long Halloween special, Atlas Obscura has published Mariana Zapata’s enjoyable articleabout the story of Carmilla, Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu’s classic novella and whom they define as “the lesbian vampire story that came before Dracula.” Though we know Carmilla is certainly not the only vampire with said “Sapphic undertones,” we are looking forward to contributing to her legend by publishing Cynthia Ward’s steampunk novella The Adventure of the Incognita Countess, forthcoming in 2017 in our Conversation Pieces series.
Aqueduct Press
goes to Eurocon
Associate Editor Arrate Hidalgo will be traveling to Barcelona next week, the very first Spanish city to host Eurocon. Arrate will be representing Aqueduct at an international small press gathering and promoting Lola Robles’s novella of imminent release Monteverde: Memoirs of an Interstellar Linguist, in conversation with the author and her translator Lawrence Schimel on a panel about queer SF/F in Spain and beyond.
Review of  Karen Heuler’s
Other Places
As part of his project of posting one review a day for 2016, writer and editor Michael Czyzniejewski has written a short but positive reviewof “The Apartments,” one of the short stories featured in Karen Heuler’s Other Places, our new Conversation Piece collecting her poetry and fiction. “The story surprised me, it scared me, and at the end, it satisfied me. ‘The Apartments’ is a great piece of fiction …. Other Places is a menagerie of voices, styles, and philosophies, a book that so far, I’ve enjoyed very much.”
“The Fantastic Ursula K. Le Guin”
by Julie Phillips
A colourful, sci-fi portrait of Le Guin merged with a ringed planetWe encourage you to put some minutes aside for this piece by Julie Phillips for The New Yorker, a warm and thoughtful look at Le Guin’s life and work, her imagination, upbringing, and profound influence in the shaping of contemporary science fiction and its interaction with the mainstream. “Keeping an ambivalent distance from the centers of literary power,” writes Phillips, “she makes room in her work for other voices. She has always defended the fantastic, by which she means not formulaic fantasy or ‘McMagic’ but the imagination as a subversive force. ‘Imagination, working at full strength, can shake us out of our fatal, adoring self-absorption,’ she has written, ‘and make us look up and see—with terror or with relief—that the world does not in fact belong to us at all.’”
Copyright © 2016 Aqueduct Press, All rights reserved.


Pandemonium Book News

The Latest and Greatest in Sci-Fi and Fantasy Literature

In this newsletter you’ll find:

We had a great event with Fran Wilde earlier this month—and so did she! If you haven’t picked up your copy of Cloudbound, stop by and pick up an autographed copy by our newest Friend of the Store.

Halloween Display

Staff have been busy putting together a collection of books and games to add some horror to the season. Come find the perfect gift for a friend!

Another Favorite Author Passes Away

There are currently three authors that take up an entire shelf each on my bookcases. And with the passing of Sheri Tepper last week, these have all become shelves that will never grow again.

Read more at the Pandemonium blog.


Anniversary Sale

Join us for our 27th Anniversary Sale, November 4–10!

We will be offering a 27% Back-End Discount: 27% of each purchase in store credit excepting events, Magic singles, and already discounted items.


Author Events at Pandemonium

Marie Brennan
Saturday, November 5, 7:00 p.m.

Marie Brennan is coming in to help us celebrate the store’s 27th anniversary!

A Natural History of Dragons, the first book in Brennan’s Lady Trent series, is one of our constant bestsellers at the store. The fourth book in the series, In the Labyrinth of Drakes, came out in April.

Marie Brennan also has a new series of novellas from Publishing, which began with Cold-Forged Flame in September. Book two, Lightning in the Blood, is due in April of 2017.

There will be a reading, followed by a signing. The event is free and open to the public.

Bracken MacLeod and Douglas Wynne
Thursday, November 10, 7:00 p.m.

Join us in celebrating new releases from Bracken MacLeod and Douglas Wynne. The event is free and open to the public.

  • Stranded, from Bracken MacLeod, was released by Tor Books on October 4.
  • Black January, from Douglas Wynne, is coming from JournalStone on October 21.

Bracken MacLeod has worked as a martial arts teacher, a university philosophy instructor, for a children’s nonprofit, and as a trial attorney. His short fiction has appeared in various magazines and anthologies. He lives in New England and is currently at work on his next novel.

Douglas Wynne is the author of the novels The Devil of Echo Lake, Steel Breeze, and Red Equinox. He lives in Massachusetts with his wife and son and spends most of his time hanging out with a pack of dogs when he isn’t writing, playing guitar, or swinging a sword at the dojo.

Matthew McKay
Thursday, November 17, 7:00 p.m.

Matthew McKay is coming in for the launch of Evolved, his new book!

Evolved is “a transformative work of fiction blending science and spirituality. Set in a post-AI society in which silicon and organic life forms blend almost seamlessly, the government has used science to manage evolution for over a millennia to produce humans capable of overcoming apocalyptic challenges. Amos Hare is the final product of the evolution project and must solve the puzzle of a low entropy singularity in space called Kairos, or pregnant time. Amos must choose between love and societal salvation, silicon and organic life, science and spirituality (abandoned long ago).”

New England Horror Writers: Wicked Witches Anthology
Saturday, November 19, 7:00 p.m.

Come join us in celebrating the release of the Wicked Witches Anthology from the New England Horror Writers! A selection of the authors will be reading from their pieces in the anthology.


Local Events

January 13–17, 2017
Westin Boston Waterfront

Arisia is a volunteer-run convention that covers all aspects of science fiction and fantasy literature and media. We strive to create a big tent environment that builds community among the varied groups and interests within fandom. This year’s author guest-of-honor is Ursula Vernon.


Upcoming Releases

Night Witch Aaronovitch, Ben $14.99 (pb)
Sabbat Martyr Abnett, Dan $16.00 (pb)
The Castle of Llyr Alexander, Lloyd $25.99 (hc)
Warden of the Blade Annandale, David $27.00 (hc)
Remnants of Trust Bonesteel, Elizabeth $16.99 (pb)
Apes and Angels Bova, Ben $25.99 (hc)
Damn Fine Cherry Pie: and Other Recipes from TV’s Twin Peaks Bowden, Lindsey $24.99 (hc)
The Courier Brandt, Gerald $7.99 (pb)
The Operative Brandt, Gerald $26.00 (hc)
Hawk Brust, Steven $15.99 (pb)
Gentleman Jole and the Red Queen Bujold, Lois McMaster $16.00 (pb)
The Vor Game Bujold, Lois McMaster $16.00 (pb)
Congress of Secrets Burgis, Stephanie $17.00 (pb)
Shadowed Souls Butcher, Jim $17.00 (pb)
Parable of the Sower Butler, Octavia $22.00 (hc)
Parable of the Talents Butler, Octavia $23.00 (hc)
Parable of the Sower & Parable of the Talents Butler, Octavia $45.00 (hc)
Rowan’s Ruin Carey, Mike $19.99 (pb)
Illicit Clamp, Cathy $15.99 (pb)
Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy Clare, Cassandra $23.99 (hc)
The Mad Scientist’s Daughter Clarke, Cassandra Rose $14.99 (pb)
Seriously Shifted Connolly, Tina $17.99 (hc)
Seriously Wicked Connolly, Tina $9.99 (pb)
Babylon’s Ashes Corey, James S. A. $27.00 (hc)
Of Fire and Stars Coulthurst, Audrey $17.99 (hc)
Fireborn Dalglish, David $16.99 (pb)
The Traitor Baru Cormorant Dickinson, Seth $15.99 (pb)
The Right to Arm Bears Dickson, Gordon R. $16.00 (pb)
Confluence Dunstall, S. K. $7.99 (pb)
Normal Ellis, Warren $14.00 (pb)
Leopard’s Fury Feehan, Christine $7.99 (pb)
1635: A Parcel of Rogues Flint, Eric $7.99 (pb)
Creatures of the Night Second Edition Gaiman, Neil $12.99 (hc)
Free Country: A Tale of The Children’s Crusade Gaiman, Neil $19.99 (pb)
Neil Gaiman’s Midnight Days Gaiman, Neil $19.99 (pb)
The Sandman: Overture Gaiman, Neil $19.99 (pb)
Blood for Blood Graudin, Ryan $17.99 (hc)
A Million Worlds with You Gray, Claudia $17.99 (hc)
Ten Thousand Skies Above You Gray, Claudia $9.99 (pb)
Ghal Maraz Haley, Guy $16.00 (pb)
The Beheading Haley, Guy $17.50 (hc)
The Operator Harrison, Kim $7.99 (pb)
Christmas Magic Hartwell, David G. $17.99 (pb)
Staked Hearne, Kevin $7.99 (pb)
The Collected Stories of Frank Herbert Herbert, Frank $22.99 (pb)
Binary Storm Hinz, Christopher $14.99 (pb)
Kill Baxter Human, Charlie $7.99 (pb)
Curse on the Land Hunter, Faith $7.99 (pb)
The Shadow of What Was Lost Islington, James $26.00 (hc)
Arena Jennings, Holly $15.00 (pb)
The Fate of the Tearling Johansen, Erika $25.99 (hc)
The Blockade: First Salik War Johnson, Jean $7.99 (pb)
Belle Chasse Johnson, Suzanne $29.99 (hc)
Sins of the Night Kenyon, Sherrilyn $27.99 (hc)
The Diabolic Kincaid, S. J. $17.99 (hc)
The Dead Zone King, Stephen $9.99 (pb)
Illidan: World of Warcraft King, William $7.99 (pb)
Her Brother’s Keeper Kupari, Mike $7.99 (pb)
Rebirth Kyme, Nick $16.00 (pb)
The Cthulhu Wars: Ancient Rome Latham, Mark $18.00 (pb)
The Selected Short Fiction of Ursula K. Le Guin: The Found and the Lost; The Unreal and the Real Le Guin, Ursula K. $59.99 (box set)
Death’s Master Lee, Tanith $7.99 (pb)
The Glittering World Levy, Robert $16.00 (pb)
In Constant Fear Liney, Peter $9.99 (pb)
Invisible Planets: Contemporary Chinese Science Fiction in Translation Liu, Ken $24.99 (hc)
The Gates of Hell Livingston, Michael $27.99 (hc)
The Cthulhu Casebooks Sherlock Holmes and the Shadwell Shadows Lovegrove, James $19.99 (hc)
The Corporation Wars: Dissidence MacLeod, Ken $9.99 (pb)
Sons of Corax Mann, George $16.00 (pb)
An Import of Intrigue Maresca, Marshall Ryan $7.99 (pb)
Den of Wolves Marillier, Juliet $27.00 (hc)
Dominion McLean, Peter $7.99 (pb)
Literary Wonderlands: A Journey Through the Greatest Fictional Worlds Ever Created Miller, Laura $29.99 (hc)
Feverborn Moning, Karen Marie $7.99 (pb)
Gloriana; Or, The Unfulfill’d Queen Moorcock, Michael $27.99 (hc)
The Zodiac Legacy #2: Power Lines Moore, Stuart $7.99 (pb)
The Zodiac Legacy #2: Power Lines Moore, Stuart $12.99 (hc)
Flashfall Moyer, Jenny $17.99 (hc)
Last Song Before Night Myer, Ilana C. $17.99 (pb)
Supernatural: The Usual Sacrifices Navarro, Yvonne $7.99 (pb)
The Mountain of Kept Memory Neumeier, Rachel $25.99 (hc)
After Atlas Newman, Emma $15.00 (pb)
League of Dragons Novik, Naomi $7.99 (pb)
Doctor Who: Whographica: An Infographic Guide to Space and Time O’Brien, Steve $19.99 (pb)
The Burning Isle Panzo, Will $16.00 (pb)
Dark Shadows: Heiress of Collinwood Parker, Lara $15.99 (pb)
Aliens vs Predator Omnibus Perry, Steve $7.99 (pb)
Isaac Asimov’s I, Robot: To Preserve Reichert, Mickey Zucker $7.99 (pb)
Doctor Who: The Fourth Doctor Volume 1 Gaze of the Medusa Rennie, Gordon $19.99 (hc)
The First Book of Swords Saberhagen, Fred $15.99 (pb)
Arcanum Unbounded: The Cosmere Collection Sanderson, Brandon $27.99 (hc)
Unquiet Land Shinn, Sharon $26.00 (hc)
Archangel’s Heart Singh, Nalini $7.99 (pb)
The Brothers Vonnegut: Science and Fiction in the House of Magic Strand, Ginger $16.00 (pb)
Doctor Who and the Zarbi Strutton, Bill $18.99 (hc)
The Beast Ward, J. R. $7.99 (pb)
Dark Titan Journey: Sanctioned Catastrophe Watson, Thomas A. $9.99 (pb)
Shadow of Victory Weber, David $28.00 (hc)
Extreme Makeover Wells, Dan $27.99 (hc)
Extreme Makeover Wells, Dan $15.99 (pb)
Alien Morning Wilber, Rick $25.99 (hc)
Angeleyes Williamson, Michael Z. $26.00 (hc)
A Borrowed Man Wolfe, Gene $16.99 (pb)
The Ace of Skulls: A Tale of the Ketty Jay Wooding, Chris $7.99 (pb)
The Path of Heaven Wraight, Chris $17.00 (pb)
The Vindication of Man Wright, John C. $29.99 (hc)
StarCraft: Evolution Zahn, Timothy $28.00 (hc)
Facebook icon Be sure and visit us on Facebook to stay up-to-date on all the latest news from the store!
Copyright © 2016 Pandemonium Books & Games Inc., All rights reserved.


Watch the video and find out – great timing!

Can you guess what’s inside the box? I get a delivery from the USA and it’s rather exciting.

Dedicated to Larry Santoro

Special thanks to:
Stephen Kilpatrick
Scott Silk
Philip Oldham



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### Newsletter

Art by Frida Lundqvist   Get Inspired for NaNoWriMo with Advice from Your Favorite SFF Authors!

National Novel Writing Month begins on November 1st, and since one of the most important aspects of the month-long writing challenge involves moral support and encouragement from other writers, the ongoing series of NaNoWriMo pep talks is an invaluable source of advice and inspiration from some of your favorite authors, from Patrick Rothfuss, N.K. Jemisin, and Naomi Novik to Catherynne Valente, Brandon Sanderson, and Neil Gaiman!

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Art by Frida Lundqvist   Explore the Medieval Origins of Halloween…

With Halloween creeping toward us at an alarming rate, author and professor of medieval literature Michael Livingston traces the holiday’s roots and customs-from spooky costumes to candy to Jack O’Lanterns-all the way back to their fascinating origins in the Middle Ages.

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  9 Horrifying Books That Aren’t Shelved as Horror

October is the perfect month for horror! But what if you’ve grown tired of everything the horror shelves have to offer? To satisfy even the most jaded of appetites, we’ve rounded up a list of 9 sci-fi, literary fiction, and even non-fiction titles that will still leave you chilled. Let us know if we forgot any of your favorite non-horror horror in the comments!

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  Revisiting a Horror-Comedy Classic: Gene Wilder’s Haunted Honeymoon

Everybody’s got a favorite Gene Wilder movie-for some it’s Willy Wonka; for others it’s Young Frankenstein. For Jeff LaSala, it’s Haunted Honeymoon, starring Wilder and his wife Gilda Radner as popular radio actors of the 1930s who find themselves swept up in a murder mystery/goofball romantic comedy/homage to classic horror in a gothic castle surrounded by a host of over-the-top characters (and, possibly, a werewolf)…

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  5 Vampire Novels That Don’t Sparkle

Before Twilight and The Vampire Diaries, before Angel and Lestat, vampires were fascinating, monstrous, even magnetic-but they definitely weren’t boyfriend material. Silvia Moreno-Garcia singles out five books featuring vampires who are a far cry from romantic heroes, including works by Octavia Butler, Carlos Fuentes, and Poppy Z. Brite.

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Artwork by Anke Eissmann   Where to Start with Joe Hill

Joe Hill writes horror fiction with a style as eviscerating as it is visceral. His works critique and peel apart our sociocultural ideals by pushing his characters to the extreme, and he does it all with geeky Easter eggs and literary eloquence. He’s written numerous novels, short stories, and comics, so if you’re wondering where to start, Alex Brown provides a helpful overview of Hill’s work, from Horns and NOS4A2 to his amazing short fiction!

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  Clover, by Charlie Jane Anders

A lovely tale of love and luck, mysterious men and feline competition, “Clover” answers the question asked by innumerable readers of the author’s novel All the Birds in the Sky: what happened to Patricia’s cat?

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  meat + drink, by Daniel Polansky

Baltimore isn’t safe. Not even for the predatory meat that stalks its nights. Searching for victims who won’t be missed, meat doesn’t feel regret or pain-only thirst. But the meat remembers something more… doesn’t it? Is there more to eternal life than finding another drink?

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Stranger Things

The Netflix series serves up life in the1980s with near-perfect nuance: the  furniture and cars, the restlessness and ennui. Each episode peers through a time-shifting window,  giving us what reviewer Kelly Robson calls “a candy-coated pop culture shell over a dark, frightening, and surprisingly complex heart.” If you’re looking for great binge TV, this is it.  


In the summer of 1983, I turned sixteen. It was a significant year for all the usual reasons, and a few unusual ones. I had my first kiss. I got my driver’s license. I bought my first car, a 1973 Mercury Comet with a faulty alternator which often had to be push-started. All summer, I worked full-time at the pancake house along the highway. Early one Sunday I served breakfast to an unexpected busload of British and Canadian soldiers, just me and the fry cook tending to sixty hungry men all by ourselves.

Significant as 1983 was, it was also a horrifying year — a year when all my illusions of security and safety were ripped away. I’d never go back there. In fact, I’m going to give the entire decade a blanket thumbs-down — everything except the movies and the music, both of which were terrific. So good, in fact, that now, thirty years later, you can hardly get away from them. The pop culture of the ’80s is still with us, everywhere — in the original, in ’80s influenced new work, and in unending remakes and reboots…. and read the rest here.

Kelly Robson on the Netflix period piece on the 1980s: Homage to the creepiest decade ever
Copyright © Alpha Cygni, Inc. All rights reserved.



Just a reminder, Signum folks…


Signum’s 2016 Fall Fundraising Campaign Webathon is happening this Saturday, October 29, starting at 11 a.m. EDT.


There’s something for everyone, including trivia contests, a guest lecture, a special Mythgard Academy session, a Thesis Theatre, a LOTRO special, a SilmFilm event, and more!


For more information and to sign up for events, check out the Webathon page.


See you at the webathon!




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