Bonnie Jo Stufflebeam combines women’s voices with contemporary jazz in fiction/poetry audio

Bonnie Jo Stufflebeam’s stories have appeared in over 40 magazines, including Clarkesworld, Beneath Ceaseless Skies, Lightspeed, Strange Horizons, Interzone, Daily Science Fiction, Mothership Zeta, New Myths, Fantastic Stories, Flash Fiction Online, Ideomancer, and The Colored Lens.

Her stories have been podcast by StarShip Sofa, Escape Pod, PodCastle, Drabblecast, Cast of Wonders, and The Overcast.

Her nonfiction has appeared in Lightspeed and Mothership Zeta.

She has been nominated for the James Triptree Award and the British Science Fiction Award. She frequently makes Ellen Datlow’s recommended lists.

Stufflebeam has a MFA in creative writing.

strangemonsterscover“In Strange Monsters, women challenge what’s expected of them and find their voices in unexpected places:

Rumpelstiltskin’s wife endures police questioning regarding the disappearance of a local boy; a group of deadbeat friends in love with the same woman encounter the skeletons of various extinct animals on a doomed camping trip; and a cursed ballerina longs to do nothing but dance while forced to contend with two men: her obsessed fan and the jealous director of the ballet company.

My partner Peter Brewer wrote a musical composition to accompany each story; these layered pieces utilize a blend of traditional small-group jazz with clarinet, bass clarinet, flugelhorn, and unique sound effects.”

Praise for Strange Monsters

“Over melodies both slow and easy, and chaotic and exciting, a cast of actors reads five short stories and five poems by Stufflebeam. The resulting listening experience is fulfilling, funny, and ultimately haunting.”
Fantasy Literature

“Haunting, ethereal, and unforgettable, Strange Monsters is a music-storytelling fusion experience like no other. Highly recommended.”
Midwest Book Review

“It’s easy to tell how much heart went into this album. It was a real treat to listen to – I was sucked in with the jazzy sounds of the opening ‘The Stink of Horses’, and I was close to shedding tears by the time I reached the end of ‘Where You Came From’.”
Lloyd Reads

As you might imagine, her name gets a lot of attention

“Best name in genre.”
– Mur Lafferty on the EA Metacast

“Bonnie Jo Stufflebeam has the Harry Potteringest sounding name I’ve ever heard. This is eerily appropriate, as she happens to make magic happen on paper.”

“This issue’s opening story is ‘The Damaged’ by Bonnie Jo Stufflebeam (which has to be one of the greatest names ever, right up there with Bouillabaisse Carrotstick).”
A Mad Man With a Blog

“The stories open with ‘The Damaged’ from Bonnie Jo Stufflebeam (really?!)…”
John’s Reading

“Also, Bonnie Jo Stufflebeam has a cool name. Sounds like she should be the heroine of her own steampunk novel or something.”
– Steve Trower

“Closing the fiction is another story by Bonnie Jo Stufflebeam — reigning champion in the that-can’t-be-her-real-name contest…”
A Mad Man With a Blog

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