I just got in the first catalog from Robert Madle I’ve Received In Years!
In case you are wondering: Robert Madle is a Science Fiction Icon; Member of First Fandom, Attendee at the First Ever Fan Get Togethers and Patron Saint of SF Magazine Collectors. Get This: Robert Madle Sold Me My Copy Of Amazing Stories, Vol 1. No. 1 – after making damn sure that I actually knew what I was getting myself into! (And even then…)
If you’d like to receive this catalog (which itself has been an institution for years) Email here
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Dear Readers,Greetings and Felicitations,We’re off to a strong start. January 1 saw issue 12 of Galaxy’s Edge magazine feature a special tie-in with the moviePredestination, starring Ethan Hawk. Predestination is based on the classic Heinlein short story titled “All You Zombies—.” This issue reprints this classic tale, and has a very special interview with the Spierig brothers (who are great fans of the genre and who adapted the story and directed the movie). Also included was a really nice column by Barry Malzberg on Heinlein himself.
Want to see the movie (one that treats SciFi with intelligence and that has an 80% fresh rating on Rotten Tomatoes)? Amazon already has it starting at $6.99 (subject to change without notification to us) for streaming rental. Click here to check out the details at Amazon. Cllick on the image below:
The book will be available on a pay-what-you-want basis from February 2 to February 28. Other books by Paul Cook will also be offered in related bundles. A link will be provided from our online catalog page [] or you may go directly to the download page: Plus special deals for up to seven ADDITIONAL books (total eight) at an incredible price To get your book, look for the link on our online catalogue page or go directly to the download site The Sail to Success Writers’ Workshop is back by popular demand for a new sailing in December 2015. The all-inclusive pricing covers the cruise to the Bahamas, your classes, and all the course materials you’ll need. Highlights include: ‡ A guaranteed purchase of one story from the pool of students by Galaxy’s Edge magazine, an SFWA-approved venue ‡ A one-on-one meal with a faculty member of your choice (schedule based on enrollment date) to discuss your career and work. ‡ An inside look into writer-agent relationships by one of the top New York-based literary agents for the genre. ‡ A walk-through of the intricacies of writing for the 1632 universe, directly from its creator. ‡ An intense critique of a portion of your manuscript by the head of a major publishing house and a multiple award-winning New York Times bestselling author. Check out more details of this incredible workshop! Till next month then. Thank You and Good Day, Shahid |
Ed Greenwood, New York Times bestselling author of Spellfire and Elminster: The Making Of A Mage, and the creator of the Forgotten Realms®, and Robert B. Marks, author of Diablo: Demonsbane, The EverQuest Companion, and Garwulf’s Corner, have teamed up for an groundbreaking new project launching on February 15, 2015: The Eternity Quartet.
Consisting of 16 separate yet linked stories, each providing a snapshot of a time and place, The Eternity Quartet tells the tale of a fantasy world from one ice age to the next, covering around 25,000 years. Structured like a symphony, The Eternity Quartet is divided into four movements representing the four seasons, each containing four stories.
The first story – Seizing the Torch, by Robert B. Marks – takes place as the glaciers recede and a tribe of hunter gatherers face a previously unknown challenge. The second – An Evil Wind, by Ed Greenwood – sees the leaders of an early civilization confront overwhelming odds and make a terrible sacrifice for survival.
The plan is to release one story per month. The first 14 stories will be released on Amazon Kindle for $2.99 each. The final two stories will be published along with the rest of The Eternity Quartet in an anthology in paperback and e-book format in mid-late 2016.
“We have wanted to work together for over a decade,” said Marks. “To be able to work with an author of Ed’s caliber on a project like this is a dream come true.”
“As a veteran gamer and game writer, Rob understands the fun in storytelling,” said Greenwood, “and this is a great chance for us to have fun together that should come through to the reader loud and clear. I love collaborating with talented, creative, nice people – and Rob is talented, creative, nice people!”
Seizing the Torch, by Robert B. Marks, will be released on February 15, 2015, and is now available for pre-order at:
An Evil Wind, by Ed Greenwood, will be released on March 15, 2015, and is now available for pre-order at:
Robert B. Marks is an author, editor, publisher, and researcher. He is the author of Diablo: Demonsbane, The EverQuest Companion, Garwulf’s Corner, and co-author of A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Agora.
Ed Greenwood is the creator of The Forgotten Realms® fantasy world, and an award-winning writer or co-writer of almost 300 books that have sold millions of copies worldwide in more than three dozen languages. He hangs out on the Internet at: