Holiday celebrations of many different varieties (I’m partial to Fesitvus and its “airing of grievances” myself) are fast approaching.
I wish to pass on my best wishes to you all; I hope you find yourselves with family and friends, that you experience peace and contentment and that you are able to enjoy and pass on the intent of the season: that the most important things in our lives are the people around us.
And now, it certainly would not be the Holiday Season without crass commercialism, in whose honor I mention that we are selling some excellent posters of Amazing Stories covers in our store. By way of visual introduction, I offer this photo-shopped version of one of those covers, modified with a holiday scene: the lobster people of an unknown world are not readily conversant with our many holidays and traditions. They have therefore decided to offer symbols of the ones they are familiar with, in the hopes that at least one will be correct. They equally hope that any omissions will be forgiven as errors of ignorance rather than intent. (Considering the shape our erstwhile explorer is in, one imagines that food and water might be received with a bit more enthusiasm.)
(Note: celebratory accouterments not included in poster)
I will use it as my e-greeting card this year