The serialization of Felix Savage’s marvelous space opera romp – THE GALAPAGOS INCIDENT – is nearing completion (only four more episodes to go, kids!) and Felix is feeling frisky, seeing as how
The Galapagos Incident goes on sale today at fine internet Etailer sites worldwide.
Felix is feeling so frisky that he’s set up a Goodreads Book Giveaway: Five lucky readers will get a copy of THE GALAPAGOS INCIDENT for FREE.
If you can’t wait to get to the end (which means waiting four more days!) – pick up a copy and beat your fellow readers to the ending! Then sit back and smile with smug satisfaction that you know how it all ends and they’re still clueless. No one likes to be clueless. Don’t be that clueless reader – but a copy of THE GALAPAGOS INCIDENT TODAY!
Goodreads Book Giveaway
The Galapagos Incident
by Felix R. Savage
Giveaway ends September 24, 2014.
See the giveaway details
at Goodreads.