Photographic Covers versus Traditional Art – Part 2
Books need covers, but the artistry that goes into creating those covers is getting lost in an avalanche of CGI and stock photography.
Books need covers, but the artistry that goes into creating those covers is getting lost in an avalanche of CGI and stock photography.
You may be wondering what inspired my ongoing series “Where are they Today?” – postings which shed light on the doings of artists whose works, only a short generation or so ago, were prime targets […]
IlluxCon is the best convention dedicated to sf/f Art in the world, today
Fans, publishers, art directors, and collectors expected Worldcon art shows to display the best-of-the-best art being created in the field, and top artists looked forward to meeting their expections. NO MORE.
Once upon a time, science fiction and fantasy conventions were great places to find, and buy, original art – and, in time – reproductions of art created by the best professional illustrators in the field […]
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