
In a near future humanity has been forced to flee the Earth, a planet now uninhabitable due to wars and climatic turmoils. On the space station Explorer 7, Karen is now ready to deploy on the planet to complete an important mission: to restore mankind’s hope.

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Timothee is a story of a humanoid boy trying to navigate life in the northern part of Nigeria as he finds himself in a series of misfortunate events that come as a result of his past.

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Advent Rising

a post apocalyptic future where artificial intelligence has taken over. Singularity has been achieved. However it has not been favorable to humanity. Hanna- an Augmented human, and her partner are on a mission to rally with a group of resistance fighters

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Amazing Stories Nears 100th Anniversary

Science fiction’s rich tradition in the short story realm is something that can’t be argued. Over the years, countless well-known, best-selling sci-fi authors have gotten their start with publications in pulp magazines like Amazing Stories. First […]

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The Adept

The Adept

Scientists discover a way to see the fabric of our universe and manipulate it, only to discover that others have been there before them

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The Emissary | Short Film

The Emissary

Liv Laika embarks on a solitary mission to a distant planet in search of her ancestors who fled the earth nearly a century prior. After days of radio silence, Liv begins to question whether or not they even want to be found.

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While a cryo capsule resurrects the body of a survived crew member on his long way back to Earth, his wakening mind unwinds memories of the first contact mission…

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