2022 New Mexico-Arizona Book Awards Finalists
The New Mexico Book Co-Op has announced the finalists for the 2022 New Mexico-Arizona Book Awards. Genre finalists are shown below. The complete list is here. FICTION – SCI FI/FANTASY Mariner’s Wake by Adam Marsh (Brick Cave Books) PsyMind: Flashpoints by
CanSMOF Offers Scholarships to SMOFCon 38
CanSmof Inc. will provide up to two scholarships for convention runners to be used towards the cost of attending SMOFCon 38, to be held in Montreal, Canada, December 2-4, 2022. SMOFCon is the annual convention about organizing Science Fiction conventions.
Pixel Scroll 9/24/22 A Click of Scrolling Pixels Are We
HAPPY BIRTHDAY SYFY. [Item by Mike Kennedy.] Today, September 24, 2022, marks the 30th anniversary of the Sci-Fi Channel (now SYFY). Can you guess what the first movie they ran was? “What was first show on Sci-Fi Channel, now
Guest Post: Standlee on the Future of Worldcon Governance
By Kevin Standlee. [Note: This was originally posted on my Dreamwidth journal and my Facebook page, as a reaction to debate on other people’s pages and elsewhere. I feel comfortable discussing it because it seems unlikely to me that such
Pasadena School Renamed for Octavia Butler in Official Ceremony
A Pasadena (CA) middle school will now be known as Octavia E. Butler Magnet, a Dual-Language STEAM Middle School. A ceremony at the school on September 15 made official the name change first announced in February. “This evening isn’t merely
Pixel Scroll 9/23/22 Let The Midnight Pixel Shine Its Scroll On Me
LITERARY LITIGATION. You have until September 29 to bid on this “Important Edgar Allan Poe Autograph Letter Signed, Regarding His Famous Feud with Poet Thomas Dunn English – ‘…in relation to Mr. English…some attacks lately made upon me by
Horror Writers Association 2022 Election Results
The Horror Writers Association (HWA) held its annual election in September for the offices of President, Secretary, and to fill three open Trustee positions. The winners are: President: John Edward Lawson Secretary: Becky Spratford Trustees: Linda Addison, James Chambers, and
Jewish Futures Book Kickstarter
Fantastic Books, a Brooklyn-based small press of speculative fiction, has announced a new crowd-funded project of Jewish science fiction stories called Jewish Futures. In its first day of crowdfunding on Kickstarter, the project raised about two-thirds of its $6,000 goal,
Pixel Scroll 9/22/22 On Tsundoku Did OGH, A Stately Pixel-Scroll Decree
TO BOLDLY SNIFF. No need to be shy about writing this subgenre:“Imagining The Real World by Rae Mariz” at Stone Soup. …I write climate fiction and it took me a while to realize how saying that in a declarative
Amazon Changing Its Ebook Return Policy
In response to pressure from the Society of Authors, the Authors Guild, and individuals, Amazon plans to change its ebook return policy, most notably de-activating self-service returns for any book read past 10%. This comes after viral TikTok videos encouraged
Gene Autry and The Phantom Empire
By Lee Weinstein: One of the fond memories from my childhood is a movie serial I followed on a Saturday afternoon kiddie television show back in the late 1950’s. Although I wasn’t to see it again until 1980, it made
Glasgow 2024 Calling Artists
Are you an artist? Would you like to have your art featured in the Glasgow 2024 Worldcon publications? Between now and the convention, and for special events at the convention itself, they will be creating a mix of digital and
Pixel Scroll 9/21/22 She Took The Midnight Train To Arcturus
ANTHEM LAUNCH. [Item by Martin Morse Wooster.] In the Washington Post, classical music critic Michael Andor Brodeur discusses the new Space Force anthem by Jamie Teachenor and Sean Nelson, and lets his father make a dad joke that the
Journey Planet 65 – Rogue One
Celebrating Rogue One, the stunning cover of the current issue of Journey Planet, is by Iain Clarke, one of two pieces that he has contributed to this issue. Alissa Wales joins Christopher J. Garcia and James Bacon on this issue
Loscon 48 “Beyond the Future” Coming Nov. 25-27
The Los Angeles Science Fantasy Society (LASFS) will present the Loscon 48 over Thanksgiving weekend, November 25–27, 2022. Loscon is Los Angeles’ longest running fan convention, first held in 1975. This family-friendly gathering includes a variety of panels, discussions, activities, a film
Pixel Scroll 9/20/22 Crisis Of Infinite Credentials: The Anti-Timothy Rises
NONFICTION SPOTLIGHT Q&A. Cora Buhlert’s new “Non-Fiction Spotlight” is an interview with Oghenechovwe Donald Ekpeki about his collection Bridging Worlds: “Bridging Worlds: Global Conversations On Creating Pan-African Speculative Literature In a Pandemic, edited by Oghenechovwe Donald Ekpeki”. What prompted you
Review: Romance of the Grail: The Magic and Mystery of Arthurian Myth by Joseph Campbell
By Lis Carey: Joseph Campbell was a professor of literature at Sarah Lawrence College, and wrote extensively about comparative mythology. His “hero’s journey” theory has been extremely influential. This book is a collection of his lectures and writings on the
Pixel Scroll 9/19/22 Secret File Wars: The Rise Of Timothy
BUGLER, SOUND REBOOTS AND SADDLES! “J. Michael Straczynski Rallies Fans to Save the Babylon 5 Reboot” – boosts the signal. JMS asks fans to light up social media on behalf of Babylon 5. The Babylon 5 reboot at The CW
Gunn Center’s First Annual Sturgeon Symposium Set For Sept. 29-30
The J. Wayne and Elsie M. Gunn Center for the Study of Science Fiction (CSSF) will host the 1st Annual Sturgeon Symposium from September 29-30 in Lawrence, KS. The symposium will feature the presentation of the Theodore Sturgeon Memorial Award
Maureen Kincaid Speller (1959-2022)
Influential sff critic and reviewer Maureen Kincaid Speller died September 18 of cancer. She was the Senior Reviews Editor at Strange Horizons, and Editorial Consultant for Foundation: the International Review of Science Fiction. Active in fandom since about 1980, she
Emails From Lake Woe-Is-Me — Fit the Forty-Seventh
[Introduction: Melanie Stormm continues her humorous series of posts about the misdirected emails she’s been getting. Stormm is a multiracial writer who writes fiction, poetry, and audio theatre. Her novella, Last Poet of Wyrld’s End is available through Candlemark &
Strand Critics, NoirCon, and Radio-Bremen Krimipreis Awards
STRAND MAGAZINE CRITICS AWARDS The winners of the 2022 Strand Magazine Critics Awards were announced September 21. The Critics Awards were judged by a select group of book critics from NPR, The Boston Globe, the Associated Press, CNN and The Wall Street Journal.
2022 Elgin Awards
The Science Fiction and Fantasy Poetry Association’s Elgin Award winners have been announced by Jordan Hirsch, the 2022 Elgin Award Chair. The award is named for SFPA founder Suzette Haden Elgin, and is presented in two categories, Chapbook and Book. CHAPBOOK CATEGORY
Royal Society Young People’s Book Prize 2022 Shortlist
Discover how an insect diet could help the planet, how soaring skyscrapers reach beyond the clouds, and how the women that dared to think differently contributed to life-changing scientific discoveries, with the shortlist of the Royal Society Young People’s Book Prize.
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