The Black Science Fiction Society
Earlier this week, K. Ceres Wright posted an interview with Jarvis Sheffield, founder of the BSFS (not to be confused with BSFS, the Baltimore Science Fiction Society).
The Black Science Fiction Society website serves as a hub for all kinds of fannish and professional activities that support, enable, encourage and provide a face and a voice to the black science fiction community.
The site is membership driven (you need to sign up if you want to experience all of the goodness they have to offer); I was graciously allowed to join about a year ago (as I want to be able to report on all aspects of our genre), despite the fact that I do not belong to the core group. Since then, Jarvis has helped Amazing Stories expand its reach into the black science fiction community.
Check it out – there’s plenty of cool stuff – comics,stories, conventions, podcasts and more, all for an under-represented (but growing!) portion of our community.
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