It’s 1867. The East India Company has fallen, and a smoking skeleton is killing ex-company members.
A drug-addled Indian detective with a deep-rooted hatred of the British Empire is drawn into the investigation and enters a world of secret societies and the occult.
Each issue contains research materials collecting relevant research for the issue.
Secret societies, occult magic, reluctant heroes. Mr Jones’s Smoking Bones is a thirteen issue comic series, years in the making.
Written by Iqbal Ali, art by Priscilla Grippa.
Amid a mysterious underworld where science meets the occult, MR JONES’S SMOKING BONES grapples with questions of colonialism and the brutality of the British Raj, lending a fresh and powerful perspective to comics set in the Victorian era.
***Iqbal is a (mostly) comics writer crafting stories that blend sci-fi, horror, and mystery with a dose of weirdness and the supernatural. As a British Muslim, Iqbal often explores themes of identity, faith, and the strange unknown, creating tales that aim to linger in the mind. His latest project is about a troubled, drug-addled Indian man who is drawn into the world of secret societies and occult rituals as he investigates a murder apparently committed by a smoking skeleton. Learn more at