AMAZING NEWS: December 8th, 2024

This Week’s News Is Brought To You By –

The latest release from Amazing Selects, John E. Stith’s Disavowed – 


Of Special Note


News is short this week owing to having spent most of the time backing up files…and subsequently losing important ones.


Ellen Datlow shares this GRRM news about Howard Waldrop, and making some of his fabulous stories into short films  (Any author who co-writes a novel titled The Texas Israeli War: 1999 deserves to have all of their stories made into (GOOD) films.

Ryk Spoor follows his in depth reading and analysis of Project 2025 with a look at a video game from 2013 that presages much of what we’ve already seen, and are probably about to see – “It’s of course obvious now that the incoming administration’s denial of its interest in Project 2025 was just as much a lie as pretty much everything that comes out of Trump’s mouth…”


Petrea Mitchell of SMOF News reports that Bluesky’s Fannish influx and consequent growing pains.  


Walt Boyes reports that he and Joy Ward, longtime chief editors for Eric Flint’s Ring of Fire Press, and Top of the World Publishing, are joining Misti Media as Editors-at-Large


Rich Horton shares his list of  the most Iconic SF/F of the 21st Century…so far.  (Glad he added that last.  I thought maybe he knew  something we didn’t.(

New Releases

Goodwill apparently has at least 3,000 SF titles on sale in their online store.

Film & TV

doo-doo do-do…Pluto TV has launched the The Twilight Zone Channel, making the original series available to stream every hour of every day of every week of every month…unless you happen to be in a town where everyone has disappeared, or one in which time has stopped…or gone backwards…or has been taken over by a psychic psycho child…or is awaiting the arrival of monsters…or… Thanks to Joe Zavorski for the heads up

Social Commentary

From a Facebook Meme echoing an experience we have around Amazing HQ ALL the time… “One disorienting thing about growing older that nobody tells you about is how weird it feels to get a really passionate, extremely wrong lecture from a younger person about verifiable historical events you can personally remember pretty well.”  (Yes, Virginia; “SF Ghetto”, “Huckster”, “Filthy Pro” and other Fannish words and phrases were routinely used in Fandom without rancor;  No, Albert, Robert Heinlein was not a Fascist.  Yes, Horatio, Science Fiction did once mostly consist of stories about things, rather than people; No, Penelope, SMOFs are not a secret cabal secretly manipulating the SF awards…).  Note:  Your personally pretty well remembered history may vary.)


Ann Stolinsky shared a post from Victoria Strauss’ Writer Beware, discussing royalty clauses in contracts that authors should be aware of and some they should be wary of.

In the Future


One Hundred and Ten Percent by Will Jones – FREE STORY


The Big Idea: Alex Kingsley
Una visita con sabor a futuro


Whatever Happened to BUCK ROGERS in the 25th CENTURY?

Unexpected Questions with Steven Burst


Matt’s Reviews: She Who Knows by Nnedi Okorafor

Featured Image

The cover of Jake Saunders and Howard Waldrop’s The Texas Israeli War: 1999, by Dean Ellis

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