Where Did All of Those Great 50s SF Films Take Place?

If you’ve ever watched The Blob, Earth vs The Flying Saucers, This Island Earth, The War of the Worlds, It, the Creature From Beyond Space, Invaders From Mars or any of the others, good and bad, I’ll bet that at some point you wondered to yourself, what if that (whatever happens in the film) happened here?

Turning that thought on its head – just exactly where is the here in those movies?

Not a 50s SF film, but we know – because they tell us in the movie – that The Rocky Horror Picture Show takes place in and around Denton, OH.  A fictional town, though not a fictional state.  Likewise, some of the locations of our 50s films are fictional as well, but in many cases they are intended to be real places.

I’ve identified a handful of those film’s locations and put them on a map.  If all of these filmed things actually took place….

In cases where a stand-in location for a real location was used in production, I’ve marked the real location.  In cases where the location is truly fictional, I’ve attempted to place its marker(s) where that location is “supposed” to be.

The complete world map can be found here – Where’d Those Fifties SF Films Happen?

Below, some breakouts:

The United States, Canada, Mexico and the Caribbean

Europe and Middle East

The World

The featured image from this post was captured from a Reddit entry under “r/MapPorn” and can be found here, and depicts the location of  First Contacts with Aliens in SF film.


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