The Big Idea: Heather Tracy

Editor and brand new author Heather Tracy is here today to bring us ten of the finest lesbian romance stories, one of which is her very own (and first piece of published fiction!). Come along as she tells you of Greek gods, superheroes, and flame-retardant fabric in the Big Idea for Space Wizard’s newest anthology, Fiery Deeps.


Fiery Deeps is both an end and a beginning. It’s the final installment in Space Wizard Science Fantasy’s Worlds Apart lesbian romance anthology series (preceded by Distant Gardens, Farther Reefs and Lofty Mountains). And, it’s a beginning because it’s the first time I will have a piece of fiction published. While my name is on the cover of all four anthologies as a co-editor, this is the first time my name is also listed as a contributing author, and that’s a dream come true.

The Big Idea for this anthology series was born during the pandemic when my husband’s writing group decided to write a series of lesbian romance stories centered around weird plants and publish an anthology with his imprint—and thus Space Wizard Science Fantasy, the publishing company, was born—but I can’t claim any part of that idea. However, I can say that I have copy edited every one of these anthologies (with the exception of my own story), and I have loved getting lost in these stories just as much as our readers have.

When my husband and my co-editor, J.S. Fields, were getting closer to determining who all would be involved in Fiery Deeps, I knew I wanted to be a part of it as a writer this time. You’ve probably guessed by now that the themes of each of these novels are the elements (earth, water, air and fire). For mine, I decided that I wanted to write a superhero story, but I didn’t know much more than that for a while…

Fiery Deeps: Amazon|Space Wizard

Author Socials: Facebook|Instagram|Goodreads

Source: The Big Idea: Heather Tracy

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