SpaceX Update: Starship Lands…and then it exploded…Successfully Captures Starship Booster

SpaceX’s main goal with the fifth launch of its Starship and heavy booster was to capture the booster at the launch site with giant gripping arms positioned at the top of a tower.

This morning, that capture was successful for the first time.

The landing manuever and capture was spectacular, and like nothing anyone who watches spaceflight has ever seen before.

Here are some screen captures from the landing.  (We’re currently waiting for the de-orbit burn of Starship itself, which successfully reached its target orbit).

About a half hour following the successful capture of its booster, Starship successfully conducted its re-entry and landing burns, landing in the ocean off of Australi’s west coast.

Unfortunately, shortly after landing in the ocean, Starship exploded, the spectacular image captured by camera from the ocean’s surface:

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