AMAZING NEWS: June 30th, 2024


Jeff VanderMeer will be a featured guest at Neconomicon this coming August

David Gerrold shares a post by Norman Spinrad, discussing Harlan Ellison

Paul Di Filippo shares this unusual reading device

Scott Edelman explores the differences between story and title with this announcement of the release of the anthology Moving Across the Landscape In Search of An Idea

Michael Kressel announces the upcoming release of Space Trucker Jess

Tom Easton is waiting to see if Down East Books will take on his collection – Bigfoor Stalks the Coast of Maine and Other Twisted Downeast Tales. Seems like a match…

Michael Swanwick shares the BBC’s coverage of living flesh being developed for robots

More Scott Edelman:  Celebrating Daryl Gregory’s birthday on Eating the Fantastic

David Agranoff reviews Ron Goulart’s Flux


Brisbane 2028 announces its bid for Worldcon (Uganda is inappropriate, this bid offers an alternative)


Sign up for and ask questions at this NASA event covering the Moon and Mars 


It could be MONTHS before Starliner returns from the ISS


Samples from asteroid Bennu suggest they originated on a “water world”

Flagstaff is the country’s first “dark city”. You can see the Milky Way at night


LEGO’s are being stolen



Film & TV

Tocin Cole stars in Supacell, a super hero series addressing the Black London experience

Lupita Nyongo was terrified of cats before filming A Quiet Place: Day One


Cold War Museum in Poland is inside a nuclear bunker

Social Commentary

An NY Times opinion piece discusses a “chill” in Jewish publishing circles

The purge in Washington has already begun:  a list of government actors who might resist Trump’s plans is being compiled

Just For Fun

Well, creepy fun actually.  An AI offering with some very disturbing images

If Horror films really took place in the south

What the Great Replacement Theory is really all about

Amazing AI video of cats in the military


Not written for us, but Adam-Troy Castro’s piece on heroes having feet of clay offers a take we endorse

In the Future

Monday – Free Fiction: Welcome to FoodDroid! by Luke Foster
Excerpt: Realm United by Katie Kerigan

Tuesday – The Big Idea: Dan Rice
Paul Levinson interviews Mark Dawidziak about Edgar Allan Poe, Mark Twain, and more

Wednesday – Unexpected Questions with Vincent H. O’Neil
Book View Cafe Readings: Signed in Blood by Irene Radford writing as PR Frost
Stages of Growth – Free Poetry

Thursday – What Happened to the VEHICLES from ARK II?

Friday – Matt’s Reviews: Sleeping Beauties by Stephen King and Owen King

Saturday – The Big Idea: Rob Costell

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Time Machine: June 30, 2024

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Welcome to FoodDroid! by Luke Foster – FREE STORY

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