Review: A Sh*tload Of Crazy Powers – by Jackson Ford

Publisher ‏ : ‎ Orbit (May 10, 2022)
Language ‏ : ‎ English
Paperback ‏ : ‎ 512 pages
$17.99 paperback


Well, here we are at what might be the final (ish) installment of Jackson Ford’s Frost Files series, and as you can imagine, there’s absolutely no sign of a happy ending or a letup in pace. . .

As the blurb so aptly highlights:


Teagan Frost has enough sh*t to deal with, between her job as a telekinetic government operative and a certain pair of siblings who have returned from the dead to wreak havoc with their powers. But little does she know, things are about to get even more crazy . . .

Teagan might have survived the flash flood of the century, but now she’s trapped in a hotel by a bunch of gun-toting maniacs. And to make matters worse, her powers have mysteriously disappeared. Faced with certain death at every turn, Teagan will need to use every resource she has to stop a plot that could destroy Los Angeles – maybe even the entire world.


It can’t be easy dealing with everyday life when you have to carry so much sh*t on your shoulders, especially when the boss is constantly threatening to have you lobotomized if you don’t tow the ‘party’ – or in Tegan’s case – ‘official’ line. And if your powers go on the fritz? Ah, then certain parts of her might still prove useful.

With all that pressure, something’s gotta give. And of course, THAT’s when family members you once thought dead decide to try and kidnap you. And, oh yes, that’s also when some of the most powerful people in the world just so happen to go and get themselves trapped, with Tegan in the middle of it.

As always, Ford keeps fanning the flames on an inferno of a story that burns along nicely from start to finish. The dialogue is sharp and witty. The action is intense. The ups and downs a rollercoaster ride of ‘what happens next?” I loved it. And Tegan’s story is rounded off in a way that leaves the door open for further mischief-making should the need arise.

And to be honest, I think it probably will. (You’ll see)

If you enjoy the imagination ravings of a warped and fragile mind, then the Frost Files are definitely for you.

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