New Releases in Science Fiction/Fantasy/Paranormal Romance for JUNE 21

Here’s the weekly post from my author blog on the new releases I found to be of interest in my three favorite romance genres (which are also the ones I write in!), and related areas such as time travel, steampunk, paranormal cozy romances and more. I do sometimes cover other releases of note in science fiction and fantasy.

As always, I recommend sampling before you buy! I have not read most of the new releases listed (although I always end up one-clicking a bunch as I prepare these posts). I don’t pick up every single new release each week but try to provide a representative subset and lots of choices.

Here’s a teaser for this week’s first two books (jump to the blog to see the approximately 77+ titles featured this week):


Letting her go is not an option. She is MINE. KYRA: My dream mission has always been to visit the Fourteen Planets and find out what happened to the lost refugees from Earth a hundred years ago. Finally, the Cosmic Coalition agrees to finance this mission.

But upon arriving on Leander, everything is different from what I envisioned. Right away some despicable creature nearly kills me, and it’s only thanks to the alien, Duncayn, that I survive this encounter. Duncayn turns out to be one of the vissigroths ruling the Fourteen Planets and promises me his help to meet Susserayn Kennenryn and fulfill my mission. Sparks fly from the first time our eyes meet, but how can we have a future when we are from such different worlds? I have a job, a life on Kronos and he is a Vissigroth. I come from a civilized world and he is… a barbarian. DUNCAYN: When I rescue Kyra from an Eulach attack I have no idea that this small encounter will turn my live upside down. But when she rides in front of me on my nicta, I receive a small glimpse of the torture this little human is able to inflict on my body. Mercilessly her perfect behind rubs against… well, we’re riding on a nicta, you get the picture. My only consolation is the knowledge that I will make her mine tonight and every night thereafter. When she turns out to be my querilly, the mate I’m destined to find in each of my lifetimes, I begin to wonder about our future. Not only is a civil war brewing on the Fourteen Planets, but how can I ask Kyra to give everything up for me, her home, her friends, her job, when I am unable to do so for her?


Can a jaded alien warrior redeem himself in order to protect the woman and children who need him? After a painful divorce, Linda takes a job as the chief administrator of a rural hospital. Her hard won peace is shattered when strange black-suited men raid the maternity ward and she finds herself on board an alien spaceship. Determined to protect the women and children abducted with her, she searches desperately for a way out. Her hope of rescue by alien law enforcement is crushed when the Patrol officer who tracks them to a seedy outpost is just interested in procuring his own human female. Her only alternative is a huge green alien with a doubtful reputation and a very friendly tail. When cynical Cire warrior Zsoldar is asked to track down possible corruption in the Patrol, he reluctantly agrees – only to encounter the most alluring female he has ever met. She needs a hero, but he’s her only option. On the run with his beautiful human, her companions, and three precious infants, he realizes he’s never been happier. But with danger close behind and his own troubled reputation awaiting their return to civilization, is there any chance for the future he desires with his newfound family?

Read more on Veronica Scott’s blog…

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