CONTRARY BRIN: Science Fiction roundup – and predictive milestones! And the worst timing for a movie release ever!

Let’s start with a pair of eerily almost-exact predictions. First here’s a prophetic image from my graphic novel, Tinkerers. (published circa 2008.) The slogan was: “New for 2024: The Apple/Honda iCar!” Check the rumors about an announcement next year.


And another. Some of you already saw my op-ed in Newsweek. “Soon, Humanity Won’t Be Alone in the Universe,” about ChatGPT and other ’empathy bots” appearing exactly on-schedule.

Putting myself on the line farther ahead… this pod-compendium of coming events is both slick and cool – tho the host is Russian (Kaspersky) – from more commensal days. The kicker? Their Earth 2050 simulation is one of the coolest. Anyway, here’s me blathering about how by 2050 we may all be solving problems in collaboration with AI – dealing with the ‘P Shortage’ and getting rich from the wealth of asteroids.A four parter!

 How I wish we had the Predictions Registry. Above all, because it would undermine the credibility of blowhards who are wrong a lot!  But also because… well, you know…

Okay let’s do a science fiction roundup!  And below that… an anniversary…

== Roundup of some recommended SF reading ==

Visionary Histories, a collection of twenty nonfictional “histories of the future” by David J. Staley, explores a range of topics: the future of artificial intelligence, of democracy, of capitalism, of education, of labor and leisure, as well as the future social and economic consequences of COVID-19 and other pandemics. (Published by ASU’s Center for Science and the Imagination.)

A selection of some of the bold new SFF books of the past year (or so), by bright young authors include:

Read on at: Science Fiction roundup – and predictive milestones! And the worst timing for a movie release ever!

Source: Science Fiction roundup – and predictive milestones! And the worst timing for a movie release ever!

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