Scientists Have Successfully Reversed Aging in Mice

We’ve recently made some major strides toward understanding and managing aging on a larger scale. In 2022 alone, scientists found ways to predict a person’s lifespan, use fecal microbiota to “restore” youth in rodents, and make human cells look and function 30 years younger than they are. But while these steps are significant, some might say they pale in comparison to a new advancement in anti-aging science.

Biologists and geneticists at Harvard Medical School have found a way to reverse the aging process in mice, helping them to regain their eyesight, form sharper brains, and produce healthier muscle and kidney tissue. Their paper, published last week in the journal Cell, details the “information theory” of aging: a new theory from genetics professor David Sinclair that links the aging process with a loss of information. The paper also describes a pair of experiments in which Sinclair’s team accelerated and reversed aging in mice.

Source: Scientists Have Successfully Reversed Aging in Mice – ExtremeTech

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