News is slight this week as articles were not gathered and curated during the prior weeks owing to incapacity.


We do, however, wish to draw attention to the newly released new editions of David Brin’s Uplift series – Sundiver, Startide Rising, The Uplift War and the follow-on Uplift Storm trilogy – Brightness Reef, Infinity’s Shore and Heaven’s Reach.


Rights have reverted to the author and he has been doing a lot of work on them, recently releasing them along with a series of blog posts, interviews and more.

Brin’s Uplift concept was eagerly embraced by the field and readers have rewarded this concept with a series of awards over the years including multiple Hugo, Nebula and Locus Award wins and Finalist nominations.


Startide Rising has been a go-to re-read for me ever since its original release:  who doesn’t fall for talking dolphins?  But the Uplift series is far more than that – it’s a rich tapestry of unique SF-nal concepts that made David Brin one of the top SF authors of the 80s, and an author whose works should not be missed, from Sundiver, to The Practice Effect to The Postman.

You can read more about these new editions here

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