Virtual World Fantasy Con 2020 Updates Program; WFC Board Announces They Will Add Member to Review Future WFC Programs
World Fantasy Con 2020 unveiled substantial changes to its program overnight, made in consultation to address the criticisms leveled against the original version posted last week. The process utilized to make these changes was described in a press release published

2020 Anthony Awards
Virtual Bouchercon, the world mystery convention, announced the 2020 Anthony Award winners in an online ceremony on October 17. 2020 ANTHONY AWARDS BEST NOVEL The Murder List, by Hank Phillippi Ryan (Forge) BEST FIRST NOVEL One Night Gone, by Tara

2020 Barry Awards
Deadly Pleasures Mystery Magazine announced the 2020 Barry Award winners during this year’s Virtual Bouchercon. The magazine’s readers voted on the recipients. Best Mystery/Crime Novel The Lost Man by Jane Harper (Flatiron) Best First Mystery/Crime Novel The Chestnut Man by Soren Sveistrup (Harper) Best

Pixel Scroll 10/17/20 The Eliot Ness Monster
CARRYING OUT THEIR LAST WISHES. J. Michael Straczynski posted on Facebook today about his all-consuming role as executor for Harlan and Susan Ellison. … “How do YOU know what the deal is, huh? My guy talked to the executor

Honigman Wins 2020 WSFA Small Press Award
Charlotte Honigman has won the 2020 WSFA Small Press Award for best short fiction published by a small press in 2019. The Washington Science Fiction Association made the announcement October 17 during their annual convention, Capclave, held online this year.

2020 Ignyte Awards
FIYAH Literary Magazine’s inaugural Ignyte Awards were presented in an online ceremony on October 17 brilliantly hosted by Jesse of Bowties & Books. The Ignyte Awards seek to celebrate the vibrancy and diversity of the current and future landscapes of science fiction,

2019 Quantum Shorts Flash Fiction Winners
Three winning entries in the Quantum Shorts 2019 flash fiction competition were announced June 10, chosen from 647 submissions — quantum short stories that are no longer than 1000 words and contained the phrase “things used to be so simple.” Quantum Shorts

2020 QSF Flash Fiction Contest Winners
The winning stories in Queer Sci Fi’s 2020 flash fiction contest were announced August 8. The theme for contestants’ 300-word speculative flash fiction stories was “innovation.” These high-finishing stories are among the 120 collected in QSF’s new book Innovation: Queer Sci

2020 Macavity Awards
Mystery Readers International announced the winners on October 16 durng Bouchercon. The Macavity Award is named for the “mystery cat” of T.S. Eliot (Old Possum’s Book of Practical Cats). Each year the members of Mystery Readers International nominate

Pixel Scroll 10/16/20 Hey! HAL! I’m Not Just Sitting Here On The Dock Of The Pod Door Bay For My Health! Open The $^%&$! Door, HAL!
A TAIL OF SPACE. A new Star Trek: Discovery trailer. Complete with a certain feline. (2) PARIS CALLING. Halfway through the Constelación Magazine Kickstarter, they are announcing their second special event – “Translation Station” with Aliette de Bodard and Cristina

Sharon Lee & Steve Miller News Torrent
Steve Miller told his and Sharon Lee’s fans they have a lot to look forward to in the coming months, even if the pandemic keeps the authors home. He also shared a medical update about Sharon. A strange year —

Spectrum 28 Delayed
Cathy and Arnie Fenner have announced that although Spectrum: The Best in Contemporary Fantastic Art #27 has just been released by Fleskes Publications and this is traditionally the time of year when the Call For Entries for Spectrum 28 would

Pixel Scroll 10/15/20 The People All Said Sit Down, You’re Rocking The Fabulous Riverboat
BELTERS AND SUSPENDERS. Amazon Prime dropped The Expanse – Season 5 Official Trailer The future of The Belt has begun as Marco Inaros wages Armageddon against the Inners for a lifetime of oppression and injustice. (2) NEW MOON TREATIES.

2020 Ned Kelly Awards
The 2020 Ned Kelly Award winners were revealed October 14 in a virtual ceremony on Facebook. Given by The Australian Crime Writing Association since 1995, the awards are Australia’s oldest and most prestigious prizes for crime fiction and true crime writing.

Pixel Scroll 10/14/20 Don’t Need A Pixelman To Know Which Way The File Scrolls
BALLOTS TO BEAM UP. The Guardian takes notes as “Biden campaign targets Trekkies with star studded Star Trek event”. They did indeed boldly go. Politicians are fond of telling the electorate that “every vote counts”, and Joe Biden’s campaign

2020 Prix ActuSF de l’Uchronie Nominees
The shortlist for the 2020 Prix Actusf de l’Uchronie was revealed on October 13. It is a juried award for work in a specialized segment of sff field, described in the Wikipedia: Uchronia refers to a hypothetical or fictional time-period of our world, in

Capital Crime Announces Amazon Publishing Readers’ Awards
The Amazon Publishing Readers’ Awards winners were tweeted on October 13. The crime fiction and media award sponsored by Amazon Publishing premiered at last year’s Capital Crime event in London. This year the Capital Crime Festival was cancelled due to the pandemic.

Chengdu Worldcon Bid Announces Ambassadors
The Chengdu in 2023 Worldcon bid named four new ambassadors in conjunction with a book launch held in Shenzhen in late September. One is Emily X. Jin, a Yale University East Asian Languages and Literature PhD student, and sff translator.

Pixel Scroll 10/13/20 The Credential’s Door Into Summer
NUANCES ERASED IN MARKETING DUNE. “In Dune, Paul Atreides led a jihad, not a crusade” – why that matters is the focus of Ali Karjoo-Ravary’s opinion piece at Al Jazeera. ….But fans familiar with the books noticed a major

Barkley — So Glad You (Didn’t) Ask: A Column of Unsolicited Opinions #54
Crisis Point: The 2020 World Fantasy Convention By Chris M. Barkley: On the few occasions that I was privileged to head up the World Science Fiction Convention’s Press Office, I gave my staff members a great deal of latitude in

Pixel Scroll 10/12/20 Petronius Tiberius Tirebiter
ASU CSI PODCAST. The initial episode of the second season of The Imagination Desk podcast from the Center for Science and the Imagination at Arizona State University is live now, featuring an interview with Ytasha

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