AMAZING NEWS FROM FANDOM: 7/12/20 Social Distance Edition

2020 Prometheus Novel and Hall of Fame Winners
The Libertarian Futurist Society has announced the Best Novel and Best Classic Fiction winners for its 40th annual Prometheus Awards. PROMETHEUS AWARD FOR BEST NOVEL. Alliance Rising, by C. J. Cherryh and Jane S. Fancher (DAW), has won the 2020

CoNZealand Opens Online Hugo Voting
The 2020 Worldcon, CoNZealand, today opened online voting for the Hugo Awards, the Lodestar and Astounding Awards, and the 1945 Retrospective Hugo Awards. Due to the delay the committee has extended the voting deadline to Wednesday, 22 July 2020 at

reCONvene: NESFA Will Hold One-Day Online Convention 8/15
The New England Science Fiction Association (NESFA®) will host its first online convention, reCONvene, on Saturday, August 15, 2020 from 11:00 a.m.- 5:00 p.m. Eastern. “Having speakers participate online removes many of the barriers of participation, opening up the possibilities

Pixel Scroll 7/11/20 Hello Pixel, Hello Filer, Here I Am At Camp 770
OOL RUNNING. Archipelcon 2, the Nordic science fiction and fantasy convention in Mariehamn, Finland in 2025, is also a bid for Eurocon for 2025. (Cheryl Morgan added, “but not Worldcon, the venue is too small and they are much

Uncle Hugo’s Progress Report
Uncle Hugo’s Science Fiction Bookstore owner Don Blyly sent an update to subscribers on July 9 telling them what he’s learned so far about possibly rebuilding his two stores. Uncle Hugo’s Science Fiction Bookstore and Uncle Edgar’s Mystery Bookstore were

Journey Planet 50 The Battle Fanzine
Forty-five years ago the war comic Battle Picture Weekly crashed down into the British comics scene with such an impact that the aftershocks are still being felt today. Now, in a special double-sized issue, the award-winning fanzine Journey Planet takes

Pixel Scroll 7/10/20 Definitely Worried I Had Lost The Plot
GET YOUR VIRTUAL SDCC HYPE HERE. The event starts July 23 but today San Diego Comic-Con started its day-by-day unveiling of the five-day schedule: “The Comic-Con@Home 2020 Programming Schedule”. (The Wednesday, July 23 schedule released today is summarized by

2020 Manly Wade Wellman Award Shortlist
The 2020 Manly Wade Wellman Award for North Carolina Science Fiction and Fantasy shortlist was announced online June 29. Where Oblivion Lives by T. Frohock (Harper Voyager) The Women’s War by Jenna Glass (Del Rey) The Twisted Ones by T. Kingfisher (Saga Press) Breaking Gods by

Pixel Scroll 7/9/20 Too Strange To Win A Hugo, The Unexploded Book
US IN FLUX. The latest story from the Center for Science and the Imagination’s Us in Flux project launched today: “The Wandering City,” a story about temporal anomalies, public spaces, and a new global consciousness by Usman T. Malik. On

Borderlands Books Owner Accused of Sexual Assault
Deeply disturbing charges from two women about being abused by Alan Beatts, owner of Borderlands Books, were aired by The Horror Show With Brian Keene on July 2. Content warning for physical and sexual assault, and incest. The charges were

A Star Wars Song Parodies Sampler: Because OGH Asked For It [1]
As in, in a comment back-and-forth in a previous scroll. By Daniel Dern: In a comment to Item (7) “DANIELS OBIT. [Item by Danny Sichel.] Country singer Charlie Daniels — who wrote ‘The Devil Went Down to Georgia’” for

Mosley Wins 2020 Falcon Award
Walter Mosley has won the 2020 Falcon Award for his novel Down the River Unto the Sea. The award is given by the Maltese Falcon Society of Japan for the best hardboiled/private eye novel published in Japan in the previous year. The

2019 Cóyotl Awards
The Furry Writers’ Guild announced the winners of the via Periscope on July 8. The awards are given for the best anthropomorphic fiction of the past year. Best Short Story “Pack” by Sparf (Patterns in Frost: Stories from New Tibet)

Pixel Scroll 7/8/20 Here’s What We All Must Learn To Do, Scroll And Pixel
HALLOWEEN ALREADY? People who sell candy are getting ready. But no need for anybody to go door-to-door: buy your own bag and tuck in at at home. “Hershey’s Will Have A Ton Of New Halloween Candy This Year Including

2020 CrimeFest Awards
The 2020 CrimeFest Award winners were announced July 7. Specsavers Crime Fiction Debut Award (for a crime novel by a debut author first published in the British Isles in 2019) Laura Shepherd-Robinson for Blood & Sugar (Mantle) Audible Sounds of Crime Award (for the

Q&A With Ry Herman About Love Bites
Ry Herman’s debut fantasy novel, Love Bites, is coming out from Jo Fletcher Books on July 9. Filers know the author here as Kyra, contributor of myriad reviews and curator of 770’s Best Science Fiction and Fantasy Brackets. Love Bites centers

Pixel Scroll 7/7/20 I Know This Defies The Law Of Pixel Scrolling, But I Never Studied Law
CLARKE AWARD GOES GREEN. Well, the reverse idea worked when Lucky Strike went to war… The Clarke Award has unveiled a logo redesign on Twitter via @clarkeaward. (2) PRATCHETT’S GENESIS. “Final Terry Pratchett stories to be published in September” reports

The Heinlein Society 2020 Scholarship Winners
The Heinlein Society celebrated Robert A. Heinlein’s 113th birthday today by announcing the three winners of its 2020 Scholarship competition. Dr. Yoji Kondo Scholarship Charles Hanson Charles was also our first non-U.S. winner in 2016 (from Canada), and was a finalist

Titan Comics Releases The Steel Prince Finale
Shades Of Magic: The Steel Prince – The Rebel Army – the epic finale of The Steel Prince graphic novel trilogy by New York Times bestselling author V.E. Schwab is on sale today from Titan Comics. In the months following his defeat and

Ed Kramer Sues For Libel
Ed Kramer, who earlier this year took a plea bargain on charges of computer trespass and testified against his former co-defendant, Gwinnett County Superior Court Judge Kathryn Schrader, has sued one of the judge’s electoral challengers over a campaign flyer labeling him a

Pixel Scroll 7/6/20 Toss Me A Pixel Scroll, I Think There’s One In My Raincoat
WORLDCON AHEAD. CoNZealand urges members: “Fan tables and fan parties- get your application in!” There’s still time to host a fan table or fan party at the first ever Virtual Worldcon, and we encourage you to apply- but don’t

Charles E. Gannon Q&A with Jim Freund Today
Author Charles E. Gannon will discuss Nebula Awards finalist Marque Of Caine, with Jim Freund today. The livestreamed discussion hosted by Mysterious Galaxy bookshop in San Diego begins at 7:00 p.m. Tune into their Facebook page under the “discussion” tab

Dragon Con 2020 Goes Virtual
Dragon Con’s Literary Guest of Honor John Scalzi broke the news: “Dragon Con Going Virtual in 2020”. As the 2020 Literary Guest of Honor for Dragon Con, I fully support this decision on the part of the convention. As much

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