AMAZING NEWS: 7/12/20 Wear Your Mask Edition

SPECIAL NOTES:  Videos from AmazingCon 2020 are up with more going up regularly; We are looking for convention staff volunteers as well for AmazingCon II. AND…Our Kickstarter has reached and surpassed the 50% goal. How about helping us get the rest of the way?

Well, we knew it was gonna happen and now it has:  DragonCon Cancels

Now is the time to get your Twain on.  Library of America offering deals on collections of Mark Twain’s works

Nisi Shawl offers a tour through the history of Black Science Fiction

Goodreads offers this list of their 100 most popular SF novels.  How many have you read?

OTHER KICKSTARTER: author Brendan Myers has graciously helped promote our Kickstarter, so we are returning the favor for his:  check out Flight of the Siren

NYT Decameron Project offers short stories from genre masters on the pandemic

Just because I was reading up on some critiques and was reminded of the existence of this:  BBC (abridged) presentation of Walter M. Miller Jr’s A Canticle for Liebowitz

Janelle Monae is apparently a science fictional force to be reckoned with;  from song (a near-operatic approach to SF themes) to modeling, and now she wants to be in the next Black Panther film

Speaking of music:  Adrian Tchaikovsky (no relation to the composer) has sold a space opera series to TOR;  he’s previously won the Clarke Award

If you collect SF and related stuff like fanzines, you need to check out this online estate sale

Who is Who in New Pulp?  Well, now you can find out with this new Airship 27 publication

There will be a reading of the newly released After Hastings novel by Steve H Silver.  Be there or get skewered by a clothyard shaft

Hmmm.  If your head got bashed in by Negan, I think you might object too.  Walking Dead actor thinks some deaths were too brutal.

Socialist Teeth“?  Furries are not happy.  Read all about it.

Dhog Fan.  Complete with propeller beanie

I Am Samuel.  This is a very interesting video on slavery/government and the use of rhetoric.  It is obviously a promotion for a book that presents a ‘different’ view of society in the US.  You can take or leave that, but the video itself is an interesting watch.

Previously, a Fannish Dhog.  Now, an astronaut cat.

From the Inclusion Files:  SI’s first transgender swimsuit model.

Clarion is offering summer workshops

Fan History Project releases a video interview with Wilson ‘Bob’ Tucker.  Smooooooooooooooth!  (Does anyone know the proper number of ‘o’s that are supposed to go in “smooth”?)

Journey Planet publishes issue 50, a look back at Battle Picture Weekly


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