2020 Locus Award Winners
The 2020 Locus Award winners were announced June 27 online. The livestream was wonderful, highlighted by the efforts of the co-presenters: Connie Willis, who was hilarious, and Darryl Gregory, entertaining and funny. SCIENCE FICTION NOVEL The City in the Middle of

The Resurgence and Power of Subtle Science Fiction
Guest Post by V. S. Holmes: Science Fiction Fantasy as a genre is known for tackling massive scopes and complicated settings, from Blade Runner’s seedy cyberpunk cities to the galactic warfare in Ender’s Game. In the past decade, however, sci-fi

DisCon III Hotel Waits To Learn Fate
Employees of the Washington Marriott Wardman Park in Washington D.C., main venue of the 2021 Worldcon, have been notified of the hotel’s potential permanent closure. The facility has been shuttered since March due to the coronavirus outbreak. Members of Local

Pixel Scroll 6/27/20 Red Scrolls At Night, Pixel’s Delight
2022 WORLDCON BIDDER Q&A. Goobergunch posted notes from today’s online question session with the Chicago and Saudi Arabia bids for the 2022 Worldcon: “CoNZealand, Day -30: Nobody Expects the Fannish Inquisition”. Normally, most people vote for Worldcon site selection

Masked Filers Reading SFF: The Light Brigade
That’s Lis Carey behind the mask — Reading The Light Brigade, on my Kindle. Okay, so you can’t tell, from looking at the back of my Kindle, but that and audiobooks are how I get my reading done these days.

Pixel Scroll 6/26/20 Memory, All Alone In The Bookstore, Has The Store Lost My Authors, Oh, Wait, Here They All Are
PUBLISHER CUTS TIES WITH MYKE COLE. Angry Robot, which published their first Myke Cole book, Sixteenth Watch, in March, says they won’t be bringing out any more. Cole previously had a trilogy published by Tor, and another series by

2020 Rhysling Awards
Jessica J. Horowitz and Rebecca Buchanan are the winners of the presented by the Science Fiction and Fantasy Poetry Association (SFPA). The winners were chosen by SFPA members, with 112 votes cast. The 2020 Rhysling Awards Short Poem Category

Masked Filers Reading SFF: The Iron Dragon’s Mother
Chip Hitchcock reads Michael Swanwick’s The Iron Dragon’s Mother beside a family heirloom. Chip says the photo was — — Taken in front of a bookcase my father made at Los Alamos, probably during one of their long, isolated winters.

Pixel Scroll 6/25/20 You Scroll My Pixel Round Baby Right Round
THE BOOKSELLER FROM UNCLE. Laurie Hertzel of the Minneapolis Star-Tribune has assembled readers’ “Fond memories of Uncle Hugo’s and Uncle Edgar’s, and hope for the future”. Elaine K. Murray, Minneapolis: It was my mother’s bookstore. All the years she worked

Uncle Hugo’s Looks Into the Future
The GoFundMe to help Uncle Hugo’s Bookstore owner Don Blyly has raised $148,684 to date. Uncle Hugo’s Science Fiction Bookstore and Uncle Edgar’s Mystery Bookstore were burned by vandals on May 30 while protests were happening elsewhere in Minneapolis. Sam

Premios Ignotus 2020 Finalists
The finalists for the Premio Ignotus 2020 (2020 Ignotus Awards) have been announced by Spain’s Asociación Española de Fantasía, Ciencia Ficción y Terror. They include works in Spanish translation by Aliette de Bodard, Christopher Golden, N. K. Jemisin, Stephen King, Kameron Hurley, Nnedi

Pixel Scroll 6/24/20 Pretty Pixels In The File, They Twinkle On The Screen, And Then Get Refreshed So That New Ones Are Seen
JUMP ON THE TRUCK. In the Washington Post, Robert Zubrin and Homer Hickam have an opinion piece where they say that SpaceX Dragon’s success should make the preferred launch vehicle for a return to the Moon and NASA should

Amazon’s Best Books of 2020 So Far
The 20 books picked by Amazon editors as “Best Books of 2020 so far” include works by sff authors Max Brooks, Suzanne Collins, N.K. Jemisin, and John Scalzi. They also picked these 20 sff category books as Amazon’s Best science

2020 McIlvanney Prize Longlist and Bloody Scotland Debut Shortlist Released
The Bloody Scotland festival on June 23 announced contenders for the two awards it hosts that celebrate Scottish noir, the McIlvanney Prize for the Scottish Crime Book of the Year, and the Bloody Scotland Debut Crime Book of the Year

Pixel Scroll 6/23/20 Nobody Would Have Come If I’d Yelled Chocolate
ON THE DOUBLE. Connie Willis took a much-needed break from the news and devised this recommendation list: “Books And Movies: Doubling Your Pleasure”. Okay, the world continues to go mad, with Covid-19, racism, and social injustice rampant. (Tonight, for

Dramatic Presentation Watch: The Clone Wars
Introduction: This is the first in an occasional series of recommendation posts spotlighting potential contenders for the 2021 Best Dramatic Long/Short Form Hugo categories (and possibly Graphic Story later). By N. DRAMATIC PRESENTATION WATCH: Star Wars: The Clone Wars: “Old

Pixel Scroll 6/22/20 Come Pixel Round Filers, Wherever You Scroll, And Admit That The Word Counts Around You Have Grown
FOR ALL MANKIND. There’s a lot of information available about Season 2 of Apple TV+’s alternate history of the space race For All Mankind – only I didn’t locate a release date. Take a guided tour of For All

CoNZealand 2022 Site Selection Payments Available
The advance membership tokens required for voters in the 2022 Worldcon Site Selection can now be purchased through the CoNZeland website. Full information about buying tokens and guidelines for voting in 2022 Site Selection are available at the link. The

Foundation Teaser Trailer
Apple TV+ has dropped a teaser trailer for its adaptation of Asimov’s series, Foundation. Based on the award-winning novels by Isaac Asimov, Foundation chronicles a band of exiles on their monumental journey to save humanity and rebuild civilization amid the

Bisexual Book Awards 2019 Winners
The winners and finalists of the Eighth Annual Bisexual Book Awards (BBA8), for books published in 2019, were announced June 19. Click the link to see the winners in all categories: Non-Fiction, Memoir/Biography, Fiction,

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