We’re busily working on our schedule of events for AmazingCon®.  But we wanted to give you some preliminary idea of what is in store for the event.  Here’s what we can pass on right now:

The convention is scheduled for June 12-14.

The event will be conducted via Zoom;  we hope to stream it to Facebook and utilize other outlets as may be possible.

There will be no Membership fee, but registration (email, name) will be required and will be verified.

We will be accepting donations to help underwrite associated costs and there will be a “thank you” reward provided to contributors.

Registration will be open to anyone who wishes to register; we are hoping to deliver a “convention name badge” you can print out at home.

There is a hard and fast limit of 300 (including presenters) for any individual session.  While we believe that is sufficient space for most every presentation, signing in before the start of a scheduled event will help insure that you can view the event.  Zoom offers a “waiting room” as well, so if an event is full, as attendees leave, those in the waiting room can get in (first come, first served).

Some events may take place outside of Zoom.

Some events (workshops in particular) will be more strictly limited and will require a separate sign-up.

Live video will consist of the presenters and/or split screen of presenters and images/video.  Attendees will be muted except during Q&A sessions; chat will be enabled where appropriate.  Break-out rooms will be provided where appropriate.

We are hoping to offer a virtual equivalent of “room parties” and “lobby fandom” – extended  time-frame get-togethers with no formal programming.

Our line-up of Guest Stars most likely* includes the following:

Michael Anderson, Marie Bilodeau, Ricky L Brown, James Cambias, Patty Carvacho, Adam-Troy Castro, Noah Chinn, Jack Clemons, Dave Creek, Jessie Crow, Julie Czerneda, Steve Davidson, Vincent DiFate, Steve Fahnestalk, Sally Fogel, Jen Frankel, JM Frey, David Gerrold, Sean Grigsby, Jerri Hardesty, Elizabeth Hirst, Chip Houser, Scott Huggins. Rebecca Inch-Partridge. MD Jackson. Paula Johnson, Daniel Kimmel, Kathy Kitts, Paul Levinson, Judy McCrosky, Jack McDevitt, Elizabeth McLean, Ron Miller, Petrea Mitchell, MJ Moores, Will Murray, Ira Nayman, Wendy Nikel, Julie Novakova, Lloyd Penny, Brad Preslar, Amber Royer, Russ Scarola, Darrell Schweitzer, Veronica Scott, Alex Shvartsman, Steven H Silver, Rosie Smith, Mary Soon Lee, Bud Sparhawk, Hugh Spencer, Richard Dean Starr, Allen Steele , Somtow Sucharitkul, Kimberly Unger, Liz Westbrook-Trenholm, Leslie Wicke, Erin Wilcox, Russ Scarola, Kermit Woodall, Frank Wu, Brianna Wu.

*Please Note:  This list is subject to change owing to scheduling changes (lockdown changes), technological limitations, life, the universe and everything.  We include everyone here who responded positively to our request for participation and experience suggests that while they all have the best of intentions, reality will likely interfere in some cases.  These folks are to be thanked ALREADY for agreeing to participate, regardless of the final outcome.
That being said, we fully expect that the vast majority of folks listed above will appear in one or more sessions during the event.

And, as things develop, others may be added.

EVENTS:  Already (tentatively) blocked into the schedule are:

Writing Workshops
Readings (both current and upcoming releases)
Musical presentations
Q&A with an author and the cast and crew bringing the work to life
Art presentations
A game show
Opening Ceremonies
Panels on Humor in SF, bringing pulp heroes back to life, SF then and now, Exploring Star Trek: Picard, Amazing Stories in print and on screen, SF Romance, Anime, Fandom and Politics, and many more still being developed.

We’ll have a convention website up soon with registration details.



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