Breaking News: Amazing Stories TV Show Will Not Debut Nov. 1st

Amazing Stories, the rebooted 80s Spielberg anthology show, originally slated as one of the premiere offerings of Apples new Apple TV+ streaming service, will not air during the services debut on November 1st, 2019, according to the latest inside Hollywood sources.

No explanation other than “creative differences” has been offered at this time.

Bryan Fuller (Hannibal, American Gods) was originally brought on board as the show runner, but left shortly thereafter owing to the standard “creative differences”;  Fuller envisioned an “edgy, high-concept anthology. (One story would have followed a crazy cat lady murdered by her feline friends.) Though the show was meant to be part of Apple’s launch slate, the departure of the producers delayed the project. Apple, interested in a more aspirational version of the show, opted to bring on Once Upon a Time duo Edward Kitsis and Adam Horowitz.” Source

(From the inside, we’ve regularly heard that “Hollywood culture” is clashing with “Silicon Valley culture”.)

Update: “Apple executives have acknowledged entertainment isn’t their expertise. “We don’t know anything about making television,” senior vp software and service Eddy Cue, the architect of the company’s TV+ strategy, told audiences at South by Southwest in 2018. “We know how to create apps, we know how to do distribution, we know how to market. But we don’t really know how to create shows.”” Source

More details as we learn them (from third parties, because sure as heck no one is talking to us).

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